Published our facility has acute care and ltc. I am hired for the acute care but when out lpn has the night off we take turns putting in our time . last night was my night. there were 20 pts are so. There is a lot of paper work to do that is left for the nights which takes several hours so i am busy throughout the night regardless of how the pts are doing. so there were several pts (five or so) that hadn't had a bowel movement in 4 or 5 days.all of them had gotten MOM on days with no results. for the two pts with scheduled suppositories (who were included in the five pts with late bms) I gave them. one i had to wake u p and it was upsetting to her. the other i found awake so i gave it early so i wouldn't have to wake them up. The others i told the cnas to tell me if they woke up and i would give them a suppository. nobody did. one did wake up and i had to do a full bed change on him but i didn't do that at that time because it was right at shfit change and we were rushing..
Anyway during report....there were three lpns (to my one person) coming on and when i was given last bm she started berating me for not waking them up to give them a suppository. she was being very aggressive. so finally i stopped report and said "im sorry your frustrated my thinking was that if they woke up i would give one but otherwise it was more appropirate and respectful to wait for when they were awake to do the intervention . she then made a snarky comment that " she thinks its very disrespectful to leave someone without having a bm for 5 days) (this is my first time working there in over a month) I stated nicely that we were going to have to agree to disagree about what was appropriate. She basically told me she was going to report me. I don't work ltc and on the acute side while we do intervene we just don't get excited about bms like this. I would never wake someone up to do a suppository. am I completley wrong ?