Published Oct 9, 2013
2 Posts
I graduated with a Bachelor's last year, but I am considering going back to school for a Nursing Degree. This is a huge financial as well as time commitment, and I want to ensure that nursing is the right fit for me.
Are there any nurses in the Austin, Texas area who would be willing to allow me shadow them for a day or two. I know nurses are extremely busy, so I know that you may not be able to talk to me too much, but I would be happy to just follow someone around for a day. I can trade your time for baked goods :) Or does anyone know of a shadowing website or program that I could apply to shadow? I haven't been able to find anything.
My email is [email protected]
Thank you!
Nurse SMS, MSN, RN
6,843 Posts
Due to HIPAA laws, your shadowing a nurse for a day would be illegal, which is why you aren't finding anything. Going into a hospital and being allowed to observe care for people who are suffering intense personal health problems is not allowed by law, nor is it appropriate. The schools who contract with hospitals to allow their nursing students in there have to go through tons and tons of legalese before a single student is allowed on the floor.
I would encourage you, rather, to find some real life nurses that you know, invite them to lunch and ask them to share all about their career with you. Most of us love to talk about what we do and most of us love to eat. :)
Hope this helps. Good luck.
edmia, BSN, RN
827 Posts
A way to get in the door to see some real nurses at work is the volunteer department. As a volunteer you'll be allowed in clinical areas and can observe while helping others as well.
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Thanks to both of you! The info is helpful and appreciated