Seriously Confused and hopeless

Nurses Career Support


I'm lost. I'm confused. Don't know what to do. Love hurts so much, it's this punding force that won't let up. I don't want to fail as a parent. So far, my child is the happiest human being I have ever known. And I know it's genuine because she's a baby...innocent. I want(ed) to become a nurse because this love I feel for my little one is what others could use. I would feel helpful, and prominent in other people's lives. BUT how can I?? How can I compromise precious time with my bundle of joy to get an education that -according to many ppl on this board- won't make me sufficient money as a single parent???? Are my dreams of becoming a CRNA gone?? Out the window into the dark, stormy weather of deep red clots feeled with the smell of infinity piles of crap. I am willing to work.....but I am a dreamer. I barely have a logical bone in my body. People say "Have faith", "you can do it if you believe you can", and the oh so famous "if my friend of a friend of a friend of a friend can do certainly can! ;).


I don't know. I don't know anything except why?

I will have to just find myself a doctor and make him fall in love with me while I allow myself to be consumed with my inner ignorance of this chastened existance called life.

That's if the war doesn't take all our lives soon.

I thank you all for reading....

Good Bye for now :stone

hmm...I guess I'm not real sure what to say since you don't mention at what point you're at now--in school, wanting to start, living with family, on your own? Fill us in a little more & I'm sure we can be a little more helpful :)

It's easy to get discouraged...but if you want it badly enough you'll do it. If you are willing to roll over and play dead, so to speak, and hope to marry a doctor...then you do not want it and will not make it. Much better to be able to provide for yourself then hope to find someone else to do it.

I never thought I could get so much encouragement from strangers, thank you all :).

Ironically, I woke up at 6:30 in the morning...dropped off my daughter at daycare by 7:30 (compared to 8:30 or 9) and used the rest of my time catching up on my studying till my class at noon. Mainly Algebra because it's foreign to me.

Anyway, I went to bed crying last night yet, for some reason unkown to me, woke up energized and ready to do my best with what needs to be done NOW :D.

I'm gonna be 20 soon living with my daughter. I know I got it lucky right now because my parents are able to watch her when I need to study, and no cash comes out of my pocket for daycare because the daycare is located at my college, and as long as I'm a full-time student, Social Services pay for it, (that's more than $500 a month for her age).

I won't have my parents watching her forever {kinda old :sniff:}, and my daughter only has the spot in the daycare till 3 for sure. So that is the main reason I want to take advantage of this time as much as I can.

I consider myself a VERY ambitious, and strong-willed person....IF I got the motivation and encouragement. But as easily as I can get in that "mode", it could dissappear quicker than my baby's father :rolleyes: .

I really feel a lot of you understand, and the fact that you at least attempt to try means alot.

I am sorry for the sarcasm nickname was "Drama Queen" in high school, what can I say? ;)

My current GPA is 3.7 and I am an art major right now (guess that's why).

I figure I could always do my art on the side (maybe open up a studio, hehe), but nursing seems to be waiting for me as well.

I'm gonna go study, my fingers don't know when to stop again, I thank you all for advice/info/encouragement. Everything has just been the icing on the cake. The cake being my less pessimistic attitude :p.....till then

Blessed Be

Ah that is great to hear SharpPetal! I had a feeling that you would wake up and feel better. What a great idea to place your daughter in chikd care early and do some work - that means you get more of the night to be with your daughter. (I consider this a better time than the morning too) I am 21 and have friends in a very similar situation as you, but you sound as though with lots of hard work you are really going places!! well done, I am most impressed with your drive! You wil be a great nurse - now don;t you forget that!!

Rachel :)

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