seems like a problem with flu shot distribution again this year


My family doctor and my moms family doctor did not get enough shots to even cover their high risk patients this year. Last year they at least had that. However, you can go to any grocery store and stand in long line and get them. This resulted in my daughter who is healthy getting one and my mom who is sickly not getting one. I just do not want my mom to stand in those lines because she is not well enough. Supposedly there is more vaccine coming into the doctors offices in November. I hope that is true.

Specializes in Hemodialysis, Home Health.

Yes, Oramar, there is more coming. From what they have told on the news networks, they are stillplaying cathc up from last year's shortage... the manufacturing company that had to shut down, the legislation regarding the whle mess, etc.

But there should be enough to go around soon enough. We've not received our full supply at work yet either.. hope it comes soon ! :uhoh21:

I have been assured by our pharmacy that we will receive enough flu vac this year. I only have 1/4 of the supply in at this time so I am trying not to panic. I work in LTC and our residents and family are inudating me with questions r/t supply already.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

It's going to be another case where the powerful and influential get their shot, and the people that really need it have to struggle to get theirs, IF they get it.

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