I have to sit down this week and write an essay about why I am choosing the nursing profession. It seems more and more that the posts in the General Discussion area are negative about the profession. I see post after post about how bad it is. The job is not easy, I'm aware of this, and I wouldn't want it if it was. I have to be challenged, everyday. I hate mindless work. People can be a pain in the butt.. trust me, I know. Try managing restaurants... you get more than your fair share of experience in drunks, beligerent people, threats, you name it. I'm not in it for the money, so that's not an expectation either.. believe me, I was making more money as a restaurant manager than a new nursing grad makes in my area. But, these people seem so generally aggrivated and disgusted.. it's really making me second guess myself on this career. I mean, if you are short handed, I would think they would be more than happy to have new grads come along, as it will be more help. Granted, just out of nursing school, you won't know each and every policy and procedure they are doing or be able to do it as fast and with as much grace as everyone else... but, we are all trying to help! That's why we're trying to get into the field, to help!! But, again, looking over the threads, it seems most "experienced" nurses don't want a new grads *help* as we're more in the way than anything...
Is it just me, or is anyone else getting a bit unnerved by all this negativity? Is anyone else having second thoughts??