Second income in UK

World International


good morning, I would know if english tax system gives the possibility of a second job for a nurse. In italy, for example, I've a permanent position in a private hospital but i can work, for a few hours a week, even in a care house. I should practise nursing activity everywhere as a professional. I mean i make an invoice for the work I do out of my permanent position. Is it possible something similar in UK and how?

Thank you for your answers

PS In italy, if your permanet position is in the NHS, you are not permitted to work elsewhere, only private hospital nurses have this possibility


Specializes in Advanced Practice, surgery.

You can hold more than one job in the UK, so if you work in the NHS you can also work in a nursing home part time. The only restrictions would be your working hours to ensure that you are compliant with the European Working Time Directive

Thank You. What does it mean in UK? 48hrs weekly?

You can hold more than one job in the UK, so if you work in the NHS you can also work in a nursing home part time. The only restrictions would be your working hours to ensure that you are compliant with the European Working Time Directive
Specializes in Advanced Practice, surgery.

Yes it's 48 hours here now. What is worth bearing in mind is that any second job is taxed at the higher tax rate which is 40% so you give almost half of your earnings to the government on that second job.

mmmh In italy is 20% for two years than 32-34% max I think, it's not so convenient in uk

Specializes in Advanced Practice, surgery.
mmmh In italy is 20% for two years than 32-34% max I think, it's not so convenient in uk

You need to earn quite a bit in your second job to make the tax sting worthwhile. Although I could do with the extra money it's not worth me getting a second job for that very reason.

after you take out the 40% tax, your travel fare and your lunch... it's not really worth the trouble. but sometimes,you have to do it bec. of the high cost of living in the UK.

and it's going nowhere but up once the 20% V.A.T. takes effect by January.

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