Searching for NLN sites!


I took the NLN a few nights ago and made an 82...which isn't so bad, for the first time taking it. But, unfortunately the information we (students) were told that they are looking for 92 or higher for the RN program at my school. So, I am going to retake it but my school has zero openings left for any and all test dates before the does anyone know where I can take the test other than my school...I have tried looking on the website...nothing found! Would really appreciate all the help...:confused:



I noticed that you go to WGTC from your other post. I do too. I don't know of anywhere else to take the NLN but WGTC usually opens up more test dates as the deadline gets closer because there are so many people that need to take it. I took the test this year and as the April 1st deadline got closer they added alot more test dates than they had initially posted. You just have to keep checking back because even when they did add the extra test dates, they usually filled up within 1 or 2 days.

Thanks for the reply...I thought they might do that but wasn't too sure! I mean if push comes to shove I will just use the 82 for the application and go from doubt I will not get in with that grade but hey, I can redo the test...ha ha!

Specializes in PICU; NICU.

I'm pretty sure any school that has an RN program will offer this test. However, I'm currently entering my senior year of the RN program at WGTC and it isn't MANDATORY you make in the 90's on the test. It all depends on the lot of people you are applying with, as well as your overall GPA. I do know some people that got in with 80's, it's just that a majority of people go in with upper 80's and 90's. If I come across anything I'll let you know. When are you looking to apply?

All the people in my Micro class were told that they have said they are looking for 92's or highers on the NLN...I have a GPA of 4.0, so that would be great to get in on that...I am going to apply in January no matter what...the worst they can do is tell me I didn't get in...Thanks for keeping an ear out!

Specializes in PICU; NICU.

Yeah I was told the same thing going in. I did luck out an get in the 90's, but I didn't have a 4.0 GPA, and they look at a combination of both. A majority of the class did get in the 90's, so I feel they say that so you have the BEST shot at getting accepted. If at all possible it would be helpful to take the exam again, and like a previous poster stated they do add a few more testing dates as the deadline approaches. Good Luck!

Well, after much of studying all I could and retook the NLN once more..made an 88 and I now in the RN program..starting April 7th at WGTC. So excited now to find a stethoscope and all that good stuff to start!

I took the NLN a few nights ago and made an 82...which isn't so bad, for the first time taking it. But, unfortunately the information we (students) were told that they are looking for 92 or higher for the RN program at my school. So, I am going to retake it but my school has zero openings left for any and all test dates before the does anyone know where I can take the test other than my school...I have tried looking on the website...nothing found! Would really appreciate all the help...:confused:



Hello KH :)! Congratulations on getting into the RN program. How's everything going for you so far? What type of questions did they ask at your interview? Your response is greatly appreciated. Good luck as you continue through your studies. Thank you in advance :)

The program is so extremely GREAT!!!! I honestly love a stressful environment, keeps me on my toes and working hard. We had our first test already and I didn't do too bad! We start clinicals next week and I am so excited I can hardly wait. All I can say to anyone wanting into the program is study, study, study!

Now for the questions in the interview...we aren't allowed to discuss them...sorry! But, just brush up on any and all interview skills you have.

Thanks for the congrats!

Good Luck!!:)

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