Dear Nurse Beth Advice Column - The following letter submitted anonymously in search for answers. Join the conversation!
I've been an RN since 1992. For the past 15yrs, I've been in the OR at an ambulatory surgical center. Our center needs clarification of the RN's scope of practice concerning the c-arm. I know we are not allowed to hit the pedal to X-ray the patient. The confusion comes when the surgeon says, "they will run the c-arm". We have been told that we can bring the c-arm into the room but as soon as the patient come into the OR suite that's where our assistance ends. This practice causes a lot of problems with the doctors as you might realize. I work in NJ and would like to have some written policy to be able to show our surgeons. Thank you.
I've been an RN since 1992. For the past 15yrs, I've been in the OR at an ambulatory surgical center. Our center needs clarification of the RN's scope of practice concerning the c-arm. I know we are not allowed to hit the pedal to X-ray the patient. The confusion comes when the surgeon says, "they will run the c-arm". We have been told that we can bring the c-arm into the room but as soon as the patient come into the OR suite that's where our assistance ends. This practice causes a lot of problems with the doctors as you might realize. I work in NJ and would like to have some written policy to be able to show our surgeons. Thank you.
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