
Hello Everyone, :D

I have a question... I trying to go for my BSN, but there is a Little Problem. ( I have a Associate in General Study .. that it.

So I looked at some Colleges/University in my Area Oahu Hawaii and there is a lot of problems coming up. I can't attend there local University because their program takes up to 4 or 5 years. I can't go to Community colleges because Hawaiian Native have priority.

I am a military spouse so in 5 years I already moved 2 times. Since transferring nursing college credits is so hard I am trying to Find the BEST online School I can get my BSN degree. (The Cost in not a problem). Does any one of you have a Idea, or how does the Hospital look at your degree when you graduated from a Online University. Or maybe someone knows a School where I can go in Hawaii and then have my credits transfer?? ( easy without a problem).

Thank you all upfront for any respond:heartbeat


Specializes in SNU/SNF/MedSurg, SPCU Ortho/Neuro/Spine.

Well, good and bad news to you, let's start with the bad, to become a nurse you have to attend class on campus, at least most of the classes, plus you have clinicals and other projects that can't be done online. N the other hand, most general courses will count towards your degree, so you most likely will have to concentrate only on sciences and nursing classes

I hope that helped! Please contact the school of your choose, or just browse around and request their course work and admission requirements

Specializes in Emergency,Tele,Peds,Home care.

Definetly look on the forum by region that might help, or being that you move around often, do a google search of LPN programs in you area so that you can take baby steps...just in case you have to move again! Best of luck to you!:D

Specializes in Infusion.

Looks like it's hard to get your residency status in order to get priority (at Kapiolani) but you can still take the science courses (A&P, micro, psych, sociology, and chemistry). If you move again, maybe you'll have better opportunities. I'm wondering if you would have an opportunity as a transfer student at the university rather than going through a 4 or 5 year program. Of course, here I am taking 4 years to get my ADN even though I have a bachelors degree. It may need to be a slow process.

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