School starts tomorrow- nervous!!!!


Tomorrow is it, the day it all starts.

I'm an older/late-30s student. First time in college, taking my pre-reqs. A&P I, Intro to Psych, English, and a basic math course (Couldn't be helped).

I was doing fine until I opened the A&P lab manual about 3/4 of the way back. Then, while trying to understand what the heck I was looking at, and all the terms, I had my first moment of doubt.

...then I opened the math book (850 pages) and did the same.

Any tips on calming my nerves? My g/f reminds me that I shouldn't worry- those are all things I'm going to learn, not be expected to know right away. Obviously, but I worry about many things in life, and sometimes I wonder if I'll really be able to memorize and understand all of it.

I was an operations manager for Herman Miller in charge of 500,000 sq/ft of inventory in 3 states, logistics,and Q&A. Usual back room operations (I know, I know, all without a degree).

I feel stupid...rather in over my head- and day 1 is just hours away.

Anyone else ever go through this? What did you do?


I had the same feeling ,but honestly everything was easier then it looked. It really helped me to buy recorder to listen to my lectures. I am one of those people that spaces out at after 45min so it helps me. My advice is to ask questions, sit up front, and enjoy the expereince. It's not as hard as it looks.

I'm budgeted for $15,050 this year. No savings, and no chance for a job...yet. $850 in both new/used textbooks for Fall semester alone (it's insane, but mostly the schools fault for not complying with HEOA). Anyway- can't afford even a recorder.


I'm not worried about phasing out in class...yet. I'm worried that I'm just so far in over my head. I didn't retain anything I learned in HS. Not a bit of it. Everything I knew before HS, I know now. I did well in HS, but I never did a lick of homework, or reading. I'd show up for tests, ace them, then have parent-teacher conferences on "why does my son have no homework? Does he even have textbooks?"

I know I'll need to study now, but how? Nerves on top of nerves. Then the reqs for my first pick nursing school wants a HESI-A2 test by my application deadline, which I calculate to be in 3 semesters. Haha

I've been curious about getting study groups together- does anyone have experience in such things? I can see where this would be great for A&P (and I have some lovely flash cards- the Kaplan ones).


Specializes in none.

Everyone is nervous the 1st day especially when they haven't been in school for a long time. All I can say is just jump in, it definitely gets easier! The first day is the hardest, but you will get used to it and make friends and learn so much new information! Good luck!

Everyone is nervous the 1st day especially when they haven't been in school for a long time. All I can say is just jump in, it definitely gets easier! The first day is the hardest, but you will get used to it and make friends and learn so much new information! Good luck!

Heh, I hope I make some friends- I'm the oldest person in my Freshman class, and as such the one everyone will be afraid of. :)

I simply did not sleep last night. I just laid there for hours. I've heard that there is some sort of English test first day, to make sure we're in the right course (despite mandatory placement testing for all students this year, even with ACTs/SATs).

I reckon once I'm able to get a good nights sleep I'll be more level headed.

Also- I'm not going to try and read ahead in the dang A&P lab manual again

Specializes in none.

Yeah I would not read ahead in the A&P book, one thing builds upon another in A&P and by the time you get to those "scary" pages you will understand them and be ready for them.

Just make sure that you pay attention in Lecture and Lab and that you study, study, study! There is a lot to remember in A&P and as long as you put in the hours of study time that you need to you should be fine. I always find that studying with someone is easier, my sister and I go to school together and I have much better study sessions when we are together vs. me being by myself, so if you can find someone to study with that would definitely help out. Just make sure that you find someone that is as serious about learning as you are.

My sister and I always used flashcards for every test and we used the textbook website because they have flashcards, crossword puzzles and practice tests to help you learn the information. I also recently found this website called that is pretty cool too. Good luck! You can do it!! :cool:

Do you think these Kaplan flashcards are worth a hoot? My A&P class+lab isn't until tomorrow. Today was Math and English.

Or did you make your own flashcards? I can totally see the benefit of that- by making something you learn it helps reinforce what you've learned. I know from experience in training new employees/being a preceptor that I use the newest employee to train the next-newest employee.

Math, because it was Basic Algebra, was as might be expected: Terrible, horrible class room filled with people who didn't understand that cell phones should be turned off applied to them. 2 gentlemen almost got into a fist fight while waiting for the class doors to open. And sitting right next to me was someone I now refer to as "Mumble-Bee": this young lady (remembering I'm in my late 30s) who just non-stop mumbled to herself...over, and over, and over.

That being my first class in college, ever, I flipped out and dreaded going to English. Fortunately English was filled with far more mature folks, and the professor was young and super nice, so it made me feel better.

Still. That math. Literally- the class itself is it's own worst enemy.

I'm sure A&P will be good :)

Good lord A&P is not playing- I just got access to my syllabus and other materials online for the first 2 chapters. Quiz every week in both the lecture and lab. We're going to do 1 chapter a week for 12 weeks. 1 Exam per month for each, bones/muscles will be 2 exams- one in each.

And chemistry? I had zero idea I'd be going through chemistry for A&P...still, it doesn't seem like the math part.

Really doesn't seem too bad in small doses, but I can see this course would be great in a study group.

...this is where someone chimes in per usual with "you can do it!"


You CAN do it!

The best advice I can give you is to take excellent notes in A&P and if your class didn't require a lab CD ROM to learn anatomy buy one. I know you say that you can't afford a recorder but I'm telling you, that (the CD) has to be the best and fastest way to learn it. Of course fill in lots of diagrams too for spelling but the CD is great for just getting the terms down, labeling, and testing yourself. My CD pronounced the terms, so that I would know the correct way to say them and that was super helpful.

I have never been good with algebra but make sure you don't let yourself fall behind. If you feel like you aren't grasp it, use the tutors at school.

Finally, refer again to my top line and best of luck to you!

You CAN do it!

The best advice I can give you is to take excellent notes in A&P and if your class didn't require a lab CD ROM to learn anatomy buy one. I know you say that you can't afford a recorder but I'm telling you, that (the CD) has to be the best and fastest way to learn it. Of course fill in lots of diagrams too for spelling but the CD is great for just getting the terms down, labeling, and testing yourself. My CD pronounced the terms, so that I would know the correct way to say them and that was super helpful.

I have never been good with algebra but make sure you don't let yourself fall behind. If you feel like you aren't grasp it, use the tutors at school.

Finally, refer again to my top line and best of luck to you!

The book came with an A&P CD, and 3 additional supplements including this A&P Atlas.

Right now I'm coming to terms with trying to stay ahead of studying- I'm listening to a lecture online now for math (required/homework) while doing this (it's not math related, however). Meanwhile I can see how I'm going to be completely absorbed this semester.

Taking classes 4 days a week: MW/TThurs with the homework/quiz/need to study is going to be hairy.

Not sure how A&P will pan out. Lab today was literally like this:

Go to class.

Teacher introduces herself.

Says open lab manual.

Answer questions on page 7.

Ask questions if you run into problems.

Day 1 of class.

No worries- I asked all the 'stupid' questions. But my concern is that the teaching style is, well, not there. I really sort of want things explained, rather than where I am now where is "read all these terms relating to areas/zones of the body and fill in the blanks".

On the plus side- the lecture course: she always puts her notes online for us, so I can print them and follow along. But dang. Just...dang re: lab.

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