School Policy on Hair/Nails/Jewelry/Make-up?

Nursing Students General Students


What is your school's policy, and is it strictly followed? I had blood work done recently, and although the hospital's policy was noted on the wall, the person who took my blood had long false nails with a rhinestone chip embedded in the tip. It made me look around, and it didn't seem that she was the exception to the rule. What's the deal with that??! :confused:

Gosh, my student uniform-pin striped dress, 12 inches off the floor, starched collar, cuffs, bib and apron, plus cap, no make-up. tiny stud earings, watch with second hand, no hair on collar, white stockings, shoes, full slip. AMedia was great for writing notes and vitals on. 1964-67 :wink2:

Grannynurse :balloons:

I loved that Apron too, probably because it was WHITE!!! Couldnt wait to be in all White. To this day, I love starch. I lived in NYC when practicing and had the advantage of the wonderful Chinese laundries for my uniforms and caps. Just perfect!

I loved that Apron too, probably because it was WHITE!!! Couldnt wait to be in all White. To this day, I love starch. I lived in NYC when practicing and had the advantage of the wonderful Chinese laundries for my uniforms and caps. Just perfect!

I remember having to scrub my cap, then put it in a solution of starch. Then slap it on to the mirror and wait for it to dry :rotfl: At HVCC we had perma-starched caps. I still have one of my old caps and ribbon. :)

Grannynurse :balloons:

I remember having to scrub my cap, then put it in a solution of starch. Then slap it on to the mirror and wait for it to dry :rotfl: At HVCC we had perma-starched caps. I still have one of my old caps and ribbon. :)

Grannynurse :balloons:

I'm loving this visual about the caps drying on the mirror. Never heard of a permastarch. Heres a Q for you: Do you recall when they went to what was called a "state Cap", it was a ruffled cupcake thing, I think. I really loved my traditional wing-span cherry Ames cap with the black velvet stripe

I'm loving this visual about the caps drying on the mirror. Never heard of a permastarch. Heres a Q for you: Do you recall when they went to what was called a "state Cap", it was a ruffled cupcake thing, I think. I really loved my traditional wing-span cherry Ames cap with the black velvet stripe

Yep. BSH had it's own cap. when folded, it looked like a winged bird in flight. HVCC had a black stripe which lie on lace that peeked out either side. I had my cape for years and years, until the Florida moths ate it :angryfire

Grannynurse :balloons:

:rotfl: Are we attending the same school?? My school is exactly the same way. If you aren't following these rules, you're sent home with a U for unprepared for clinical and it counts as an absense. More than 2 clinical absesnes are high risk for failing the entire semester.

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