Published Aug 10, 2024
0 Posts
Are any other California school nurses with their clear credentials in the house? I am trying to get into a program and I want to know if it is worth getting not only my credential cleared but also, getting my master's degree with an emphasis in school nursing.
sergel02, BSN
207 Posts
Not a school nurse myself yet but have looked into it in California, but don't most districts require you to clear the credential in the 5 years to continue working? Every district near me seems to.
As far as getting your masters, I can't say if a school nursing emphasis is best but a masters degree isn't bad if you can afford. Every district near me gives a pretty big pay bump for having your masters unlike the hospital, and if you do clear your credential it's only a few more classes. Of course, I don't have mine so maybe it's tougher than I believe LOL
40 Posts
Hi there, any update on this? I'm looking to get a school nurses credential but am confused where to start. Thanks
flowerpower said: Hi there, any update on this? I'm looking to get a school nurses credential but am confused where to start. Thanks
Hopefully I can help a little, I just did mine.
It's not too bad. Filling out the application is straightforward.
The lifescan is the fingerprinting you need done which took the longest. You have search for places.
You have to submit transcripts. I think I sent mine directly from the university online but I honestly can't recall at the moment.
Then a copy of your RN license.
Plus the fee, of course.
@sergel02OK so my HR told me that she could help me with that and it would cost $100. She wasn't sure about the rest? Do you have to go to school after this and I don't understand the difference between the credential and clear credential.
flowerpower said: @sergel02OK so my HR told me that she could help me with that and it would cost $100. She wasn't sure about the rest? Do you have to go to school after this and I don't understand the difference between the credential and clear credential.
Oh that I can help with I hope.
Most districts seem to require you CLEAR the credential within 5 years (though I think if you cross the 5 year mark and are in the program you're good). That does include going back to school. Programs vary, some are part time, but all I think recognize you're working as a school nurse.
Those credits are post grad so they count towards your master. Usually it's only a few more courses so many end up getting their master's degree if they can afford it.