sccc nursing program

U.S.A. Missouri


The woman in charge of the entire nursing program at sccc, from CNA-RN works there part-time and has an Associate's degree. The woman that wrote the textbooks for these courses doesn't have a four-year degree! Check for yourself. Go to the SCCC website and check the part-time faculty list/credentials.

I checked out their site and you are correct. Noticed they don't provide students w/ handbooks. When searching program policies online, most of the pages "could not be found". In other departments (not health occupations/care), it was very easy to navigate thru' policies and find answers to questions. It's troubling to learn that the program coordinator never completed college. In fact, the program coordinator has the lowest credentials of faculty (full/part) in the entire school. I decided to dig further and found many students were less than satisfied w/ their experience in the health-occupation program(s). Unfortunately, it didn't occur to them to know their rights. As a result, they accepted the disciplinary actions taken against them, even though it was obvious that the program coordinator abused it's power. Even though the info can be found, the program coordinator knew that certain students were unaware of this, and chose not to disclose that they had the right to defend themselves. This program is turning into something ugly.

There is so much more, but it would take me all night to pass it along. I hope this piques some interest and inspires others to do some investigating. Otherwise, this will continue.

I know this doesn't happen to every student. The fact that it happened to even one is unacceptable.

Specializes in Telemetry, Med-Surg.

What program coordinator are you referring to? All of my instructors, including our nursing director for the RN program, have at the very minimum a masters degree. Some even have doctorates. If you are referring to the LPN program, it shows that the nursing coordinator does have a masters degree. As a matter of fact only one LPN instructor does not have at minimum a bachelors degree.

Look, I'm sorry you had a bad experience. Perhaps the school is not right for you. I think that instead of wasting your time talking about the negative aspects of the school, you should be researching other schools and applying, that is if you really want to get into nursing school. I have had a very positive experience with the school and would recommend it to anyone who is serious about becoming a nurse. The program is intense and is not for everyone.

As far as the ADN handbook, we received those during orientation. It is a very thick book and I can't imagine it being available online. Besides, it is intended for the ADN students at SCCC, not the general public. If you want to see it, apply and get accepted, or ask a current ADN student, or go to the nursing office and ask to review it. I don't know about the LPN handbook, so if you are referring to that, can't help you. It's no big deal anyway. I haven't looked at that book since first semester, even though they give us updated copies (which I think is a complete waste of paper when they only change one or two pages). Anyway, I hope you will spend your time in the future applying to other schools and hopefully you will be happy wherever you land.

Unfortunately I know exactly how this school abuses their power. I don't know everything for a fact but some of the things that happened to me at this school have be rediculous and that goes for not only the programs but the schools themselves.

I was in the LPN program and I know that they give you the handbook in orientation but there is a lot of info in that book that is left out. This school fails people when they seem to be struggling when they should be helping them.

I have applied to to other schools for the RN program and intend to never have to set foot in that school after spring semester. The people there do not care about the students, only their passing rate and your money.

This is only my opinion and there have been good parts in this program but they do not outweigh the negatives in my mind.

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