sccc 2012 nursing program hopefuls

U.S.A. New York


Hello . I am starting this thread for anyone who has applied for the fall 2012 start suffolkc.c.c. nursing program. I have applied for the Ammerman day program. I was hoping to find some company on my journey to acceptance day(hopefully:)).

congrats jrosa! and mschultz, hopefully youll find out today when you get home!

My husband just checked the mail and it was there. I'm accepted to ammerman evening! Woohoo watch out nuring school, here I come! :)

Hi All!

I got accepted to Ammerman's Day Program. SOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!! Congrats to all that were accepted - hang in there to those who are still "patiently" waiting.

@dollface THANK YOU i'm soooo excited(nervous too:)) tO MSCHULTZ AND PBSTG CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

Thanks jrosa! I'm pretty excited too. There seems to be so much to do between now and the start of classes! When you went up there yesterday, all you did was pay the deposit and then you could register, right? Because my letter says that if they don't receive the forms and deposit by the designated date, your acceptance to the program will be withdrawn. I am assuming the "forms" are the health forms.

The "forms" are the 2 papers that had the deposit info on it... the health forms can't be done until June or July, it says if you do the health forms before that you will have to do them again

Thanks for the info! I knew something wasn't right. Lol

Yes. I just paid the $100.00 and went to admissions they changed my emphasis then I went right downstairs and registered. The background check can be done immediately,but they don't suggest to do the medical part til June or July.

All registered for my classes for the fall...soo excited...I can't wait! :)

Me too! I am really looking forward to it all. Can't wait until orientation. I already did the background check. Lol

mschultz haha me too! I did it as soon as I got my acceptance letter.

I'm so mad at myself, I mailed the deposit in instead of taking it in and they havent changed my curriculum yet... I'm going there today to see if I can give another deposit and register immediately... I mailed it Saturday, it should have been there

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