Scared about my speeding ticket and getting my lvn license denied


I'm a recent LVN grad from Downey, CA

Please help me!

I truthfully reported my tickets above $300 on the documentation in LVN school as my graduation date was coming near (July 26,2013) and made sure to file all the necessary documents to show that my tickets have been dismissed. I recently took my NCLEX-PN exam and got a letter saying I passed on January 15,2014. However, it was a letter saying that my licensing will be delayed because the enforcement needs to do an evaluation of my criminal background check.

The problem here is I got a speeding ticket of $386 in November 2013 and my court date isn't until March 6,2014 because I had to make an extension of my first court date. I was dumb enough to not call the board right away about my ticket because I had the intention of fighting the ticket after consulting a lawyer about my chances of winning- sadly i had a slim chance so now I'm planning on just paying the fine and accepting the charges. I kept forgetting to call it in after the consultation because I have been busy working two jobs during the weekdays. I should have called the board regardless of whether I was gonna fight it or not on the day of receiving my lovely speeding ticket.

Are they going to deny my license now because I didn't call them right away about my speeding ticket that I received after my graduation and having had all my paperwork turned in truthfully at the time? I'm scared and angry at my own stupidity. Please give me some advise! I;m not sure if I should call them or wait until my enforcement agent calls me. Thank you in advance!

-Scared and dumb new grad lvn

I don't see why you would have reported that if you haven't even had your court date. You are innocent until proven guilty.

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.

​If you value your license (and your life, the lives of others), you'll start driving the speed limit. Do that, and you won't have to worry about this when you go to renew your license.

@qpasa141 Thank you for your reply. I feel a little at ease now. I wish I can fight it and win it but I see no chance against a CHP who has MVR recording of the ticketing. I'm just going to report it to the board once I clear it with the court.

@OCNRN63 Thanks for replying. I need to keep my eyes on the odometer because going with the flow or driving on empty highway makes me unaware of how fast my speed is.

Getting a speeding ticket in most venues isn't a felony, so I wouldn't sweat it unless you are talking criminal speeding where you were going like 30 or 40 mph over the speed limit.

I doubt you would not get your license over this. It will probably just be a big hassle getting all the paperwork done. They have to cover their butts and document what your ticket was for, etc. If you continually receive multiple tickets over the years, that would be a different story.

I don't see why you would have reported that if you haven't even had your court date. You are innocent until proven guilty.

In CA any traffic fine over $300 has to be reported to the BON. This is antiquated, from a prior era when $300 represented a serious offense. Today, any traffic violation in CA can easily reach a $300 fine. And in CA, as well as any other BON, you are in fact guilty until proven innocent. BONs are autonomous agencies that act independently of any MVD or criminal justice system. They make their own rules, and they all list them clearly (sometimes!) in their nurse practice acts. Rarely do you not need to disclose an arrest or other violation even if it was dismissed, or is pending. The worst thing you can do is to not be well-versed on your state's NPA, so you don't become complacent about what they require you to disclose. In this case, it's even possibly trickier, to have a violation that is in the process of being processed by the court. I'd suggest talking to an attorney to be sure you know what to do in the interim- the BON is not your friend.

I have received my letter of approval from the BVNPT today and sent in my payment for licensure. Thank you for all your replies.

@ Sam J: Should I call in about the ticket to the BVNPT now or are you suggesting I have an attorney involved even before my first court date? I'm kinda confused about "The worst thing you can do is to not be well-versed on your state's NPA, so you don't become complacent about what they require you to disclose. In this case, it's even possibly trickier, to have a violation that is in the process of being processed by the court" . I already turned in all the documents asked for by the BVNPT but because one ticket is still pending, are you saying I can be denied of my license later? Sorry, I don't know what NPA stands for and I'm just not understanding your post

NPA= Nurse Practice Act. You might want to read yours ( carefully to determine if, and when, you were supposed to, or are required to report your new traffic ticket over $300, or if you even have to report it if it's ultimately dismissed. I know for fact it has to be reported when you apply to renew your CA LVN license, and knowing that I would assume they require timely reporting beforehand. I'd talk to a lawyer after reading the NPA, for advice, if you are unsure, with what you've already gone through, to be sure you follow the protocol. Good luck.

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