Published Dec 28, 2004
Purple Princess
151 Posts
Recently I injured my back at work( cna; hmmm wonder why). we are frequently short staffed and it is a walk in paradise when we do have enough aides to do the work and get help if we need it. It was friday night and I knew I should have gotten help but when you have 17 residents and multiple call lights going off you don't have time to mess around. Prior to my partner coming in at nearly 6:30, I had the hall to myself. Point is I couldn't find my partner, I know there's no sense in bothering the nurses cause they don't feel that it is their job and so I still had to get these residents in bed to take care of them, we have deadlines to get work done, along with vitals and weights. In fact a nurse will hunt you down when your in the middle of something like feeding to go clean up poop or take someone to the bathroom. So now my back hurts pretty bad but I can still walk. Yesterday I came to work back was hurting. It popped friday night and then again as I started rounds sunday. all i did was bent over to see if someone needed changed it popped and sorta snapped again and it was hard to straighten up after that. I took some advil and just tried to work it off and finish my resident care but all the while my back was very stiff, pain coming down both legs and weakness in my arms. today the pain is tolerable but it's hard to sit any length of time and it's hard after laying down to get up. they asked me about body mechanics and lectured me about not getting help and also were upset cause i've missed work recently due to illness and now had to miss today, well i had to leave early last night. my question is should i see a doctor, is this my own fault, and can i loose my cna license? i don't want to be viewed as a trouble maker. the other girls tend not to get help so i got the impression that i should have been able to move these residents myself. As for their safety i will go out on a limb and allow them to fall on me or use all my might to let them arrive safely to the toilet, bed, or wheelchair. i'd rather hurt myself then see a resident get hurt. but now i don't know what to do, light duty consists of passing out snacks for a couple hours twice a week. will it be hard going for another job after getting work comp. involved? i think they'll find some fault now to get rid of me. what can i do?
336 Posts
Ouch! I'm sorry you are having to go through this. No fun for sure.
The popping thing and weakness in arms/pain in legs bothers me.
I hope you're alright! Your main concern now should probably be less your job and more the long-term affects of a back injury.
You're doing the right thing by seeing a doctor.
You have to look out for yourself because no one else will.
Your facility can't get rid of you just because you hurt your back there. That's illegal.
We have CNAs going on "light-duty" fairly often due to back injuries or other injuries suffered on the job. It's not that uncommon.
If you have to miss work for a few days then you have to miss work. They'll gripe but they'll survive. I don't think you will have any problems getting a job after this. Your personal health history is your personal health history. You don't have to say anything and if worker's comp ever comes up, you can always explain what happened. It's VERY common for someone in your field to have a back injury on the job. You're in good company.
Just follow what the Dr says and allow your body to heal itself.
Good nutrition and plenty of rest is a good start.
Please keep us updated on how you're doing and good luck.
i've seen the doctor now and fortunately he doesn't feel that i have disk problems but he feels the popping and snapping were a result of the tendons sort of contracting and also the strain of the back muscles. I'm now told to see a physical therapist who told me that the muscles are very weak back there and i'm beginning to loose the natural curve in my spine and this will predispose me to spinal and disk problems if i don't do something now to strengthen the muscles. I was taught body mechanics but it's easier said than done. i'm on medicine but only have taken it since tuesday and will probably not be taking any more as it makes me very tired and i'm not as alert. i went to the bank today and for the very first time well i thought i was over far enough( got a big car) and obviously wasn't cause boy did i hit that curb and my car came down with a thud. but fortunately no damage to me, the car, or the curb. the space is small at the bank, i felt embarassed but knew it must have happened before cause the corner on the other side is scuffed and chipped off. so other cars have hit it from time to time. anyway, my light duty consists of passing trays, linens, answer call lights, get diapers, supplies, and snacks. it is very frustrating telling residents that i'm not permitted to move them and i assume since i'm not allowed excessive bending or pushing/pulling i cannot even change them once in bed especially if they cannot roll, are resistant to moving, cause sometimes i have to hold them up with one hand and clean and put diaper on with the other hand. the other aides are very anxious for me to return to full duty and made me feel a little guilty cause they say they just ignore their pain and keep working. which yes at this point my strain is healing, i'm only in mild pain, stiff in the morning, but can walk with little difficulty. i'm thinking of moving to the kitchen but will likely take a cut in pay.
ktwlpn, LPN
3,844 Posts
The PT can give you a list of excercises you can do daily at home to strengthen your back -10 or 15 mins a day is all it will take and it is easy stuff you can do on the floor.It will make a world of difference.Lift belts help,too-they help you focus on proper body mechanics prior to every lift.Always get help if you think you need it-don't be a martyr...Let the doc know right away that you can not tolerate the prescribed medicine-don't just stop taking it....they can give you something else - you should probably be on an anti-inflammatory...As for getting everything done-you have the whole shift and you are only one person.Don't let residents or other staff push you into unsafe working conditions...Next time-go down your hall and undress everyone from the waist up-get there gowns and robes on.Turn down and pad the beds...pass wash cloths and towels..then when you get a partner you can go down the hall together and get everyone in and then you can go back alone and finish their care....I am glad that you recognize that the nurses are probably swamped,too...It is sad that direct patient care suffers in LTC because of all of the paperwork-the residents deserve better.You seem like a good and caring cna-I would hate to see you give it up....Working in the kitchen will not be any better for your back-it will be standing all day---hard on your hips and legs,too....Stick with the workmen's comp and follow through with all of the PT's recommendations-Many of us have hurt something at one time or another.They can't just fireyou nor can you loose your certification....Always fill out an incident report any time you even suspect you may have hurt yourself...and blow off the people that give you a bunch of crap-that is harassment and illegal,too..The other aides are not going to pay your bills for you when you are flat on your back,are they? As you gain experince you will find that proper body mechanics do become second nature-always take a breath and THINK before bending or lifting-keep your ...If you do start to loose someone let them slide down your body-you can hurt them and yourself more by trying to grab them and stop them from falling..Since your back is already weak you will again ...hurt yourself just bending over if you don't take measures to correct it now.....Good LUck
158 Posts
purple princess, I am currently working as a case manager workers comp nurse. My question to you is what kind of dx tests has your MD performed? Have you had an MRI or EMG these tests will determine any soft tissue damage oe nerve conduction problems.They should be done within the first 30-60 days after injury' as far as your meds, have you told the MD that they make you tired? He can prescribe an alternative that does not make you sleepy. Are you going to a workers comp MD or your own PCP? Have you filed a claim with workers comp? Are you currently on modified duty? :imbar :imbar