Scared to go back to work

Nurses General Nursing


I'm a fairly new nurse, I have about two years of experience but am very well respected by my peers and management where I work, I do a lot of precepting and am known for advocating for my patients and serve on several committees, but I am scared to return to work tomorrow. I have had about two and a half weeks off for bereavement as my dad passed away. It wasn't necessarily unexpected but it happened very suddenly. While he was in hospital I was at his bedside and it was amazing how different it was, how helpless I felt. Since his passing everyone has commented on how "well" I am dealing with it and I truly want to return to work, I love my job, but I am afraid that returning to that surrounding will bring all the emotions up. When I have patients who need my focus and care I can't be trying to deal with a personal crisis. I know no one can predict how I will react, but does anyone have any advice? Would it be in bad taste to call the day charge nurse and request not to have any pts on bipap machines (my dad was on bipap when he went into respiratory distress at the end) just for a few days until I know how I'm going to cope, very few pts on our floor have bipap machines, maybe one or two?

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Just to let everyone know, my first two days back were great. I can honestly say I love the people I work with and they make everything better :redbeathe I am so happy to be back at work doing what I love.

Just to let everyone know, my first two days back were great. I can honestly say I love the people I work with and they make everything better :redbeathe I am so happy to be back at work doing what I love.

Good for you

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