Hey all,
This news thing was about the emergency room crisis in Los Angeles county and talked about the delay in care and the long waits mainly. It sorta steamed me but as I work in PACU and not E.R. I thought I'd run this by you all. The news person interviewd several "patients"(ex-pts or those waiting by the ER)and asked how long they waited. The average response was "8 or 9 hours". My beef was that if these people are such emergencies then why are they standing around outside the ER getting on TV? I believe that the FOCUS of the story should have been "Abuse of the ER services is causing a crisis". Am I off track? What is the solution (besides what we do now which is treat everyone anyhow). More public clinics so the people go there? 24 hours urgent care places? It scares me that one day I may need to take my family or self to the ER for a real life threatning emergency and have no where to go because my local ER's are closed or diverting!