saunder's comprehensive book


does anybody have a free ebook copy/pdf from the internet of a nclex-rn comprehensive book that especially has leadership and management, safety, and a copy of pharma note which includes the common medications that are used in the US?

i am a foreign graduate and my first take of NCLEX RN was all about a newly heard/read medication that i didnt encounter when reading Brunner and Suddarth,Pilliteri, and Lippincott. i want to pass on my second take since it is very expensive exam and review.i already spent a year of reviewing yet i failed.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Outpatient Surgery, Nurse Informatics.

Hi! I also failed my 1st take in Dec 2010. Because all I did was to review the content & I didn't have respect for the exam (I didn't study much). If I were you, just brush up your content and apply them in answering NCLEX-style questions (I would recommend PDA by LaCharity for Prio questions, Kaplan Strategies & Exam Cram for practice questions), at least 100-250 questions/day.

And regarding your query, you can't find a free copy of that anywhere in the web. You have to buy them or borrow them from a friend.

I will be taking my 2nd attempt on march 9. I hope I can pass it this time! Good luck to you!;)

i bought la charity and just starting to read it. and i find it a real help.

my exam result has not much of a problem with the content but mostly on the safety, pharma, prioritization, and delegation during the exam. i am still freaked out with the medications even though the calculations were no sweat but when the computer started asking me about the dosaging of certain medications that was when my brain stopped working. suffixes or prefixes of medication tricks doesnt apply to those medications that i had in my exam. common medication names that is used in the US is what i really need.

i graduated in the Philippines and most of the pharma is new to me since the medications that were thought at school and from the books that we used didnt have what was on my exam last nov 2011. the names of the medication in the exam was not the common ones not even the generic name of the medication gave me a hint. so im wondering if anyone can help me with the meds that is being used in the US.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Outpatient Surgery, Nurse Informatics.

For pharma, I'm using MOSBY'S PHARMACOLOGY MEMORY NOTE CARDS ( Mosby's Pharmacology Memory NoteCards: Visual, Mnemonic, and Memory Aids for Nurses (9780323078009): JoAnn Zerwekh MSN EdD RN, Jo Carol Claborn MS RN, Tom Gaglione MSN RN: Books). Some recommend this Kaplan NCLEX-RN: Medications You Need to Know for the Exam (9781427797476): Kaplan: Booksou can't really be familiar with all the meds, but if you're using correct strategies and techniques to answer these types of question, you can still get the right answer.

ok thanks. its just that i had encountered so difficult medications that even the prefixes or suffixes doesnt fit and they ask for the right route and dosaging for the entire day. the only meds that was familiar was flagyl, mucomyst, acetaminophen, and bactrim :(

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