Published Jan 27, 2011
88 Posts
I am not very optimistic about my chances of getting into Santa Fe ASN program although I'm still going to try. I do feel confident about next year's program. As far as the 'point system' goes this is where I stand:
~Have not taken the test, planning to take it, next week, not too worried about it
~gpa for pre-req is 3.74
~taken SLS 1101
~CHM 2046 - A
~BSC 2086/Lab - A
~HUN 1201 - A
~SNA membership
So that is 67pts (assuming I do as well as planned on test). I've read previous posts on the Santa Fe ASN and the lowest points being accepted seemed to be 74. I would love to hear if anyone had a lower amount and got accepted.
I don't think there is anything I can do this year to increase my points, but after taking a few classes I feel super about next year:)
Any feedback would be appreciated.
Just bumping;)
11 Posts
Hello Gatormommy,
I am also a hopeful 2011 Nursing student at Santa Fe.
I will hopefully be in a range of 80-85 points depending on the Kaplan entrance exam ...... Unlike you, I'm nervous about it. I have been studying the guide, but you really don't know what it's about till you actually take it. Not a very good test taker, especially in circumstances like these.
You said your not very optimistic about your chances.. I think if you have what's needed to apply, all you can do is give it a shot. Like many have said we really dont know what the pool of #'s/pts will be, so go for it!!
I wish you luck!
Hi hopeful2011, I didn't think anyone was going to respond. I know there has got to be more people applying this year.
Thanks for the encouragement. I was just thinking that being able to apply is a feat in itself, having all the pre-reqs done and taking the test. I'm very proud that I even got to that point. I just wish I had decided sooner. Then I would have taken all thosed 'extra pt' classes.
I know you'll do fine on the test. Here's my experience with it:
I actually became very nervous as soon as I walked through the test assessment doors. I kinda freaked out and forgot everything I had been studying.
The reading part wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. If you follow the kaplan study guide on how to read for a test, you'll do fine. Comprehension is NOT my strong suit and I got an 86.
The math was easier than the studyguide. There was no geometry at all. There were a lot of fractions, percents, and decimals, a few word problems invoving percents and fractions, and a couple of dosage calc probs. I studied an Algegra 1 book and ended up with an 89.
Good luch to you too! You're gonna do great.
Thank you Gatormommy:) for all the pointers.
I will do what you said and really know my basic math stuff (Ive have to "brush-up" a little) The reading scares me to..... My goal date to take the test is March 30th. Hopefully, then I will be able to get a application. I think what worries me the most, is like you, I freak........ But, hopefully with some prep, Ill go in a little more confident.. and hopefully get the scores that I want.
My friend took the test yesterday, and like you, did very well.
Its just nerve racking, and this is the first of it..LOL
My friend and I went to the college yesterday to clear up a few things with records and conseling (bc we are transfer students) and went to the informational seminar thing, thats held on Tues. (it was really useless for me) I mean, it was like "how to fill out a application", I alot of the students in there were like brand new students, with no courses under their belt.
They did say that they will take 140 students this year. Last year 309 applied... and he did speak of 2nd year Nursing student will be able to do BSN program that is affilated with SF.. kind of interesting.
Anyways, I guess I expected it to be more focused on the ASN program. schedule, clinicals, what to expect, etc. but, I guess that would come, when we get accepted to the program.
Have you put in your application yet?
It sounds like you have it together and excited/frazzled like me....
Have you done your membership for NSNA... 5 PTS... easy 5pts.
Keep me updated on your progress and I wish you luck!
I have turned my app already. It happened so fast. I didn't plan on turning it in the same day I took the test.
So after your test you go to the advisor's office and you wait to see an advisor. They don't give you an app until they are sure you have all your pre-reqs. Then they ask you about the other point things because they need the proof of these in your file; they start compiling your file right there. I had to give the advisor a copy on my NSNA card.
I finally found some volunteer work so I will be able to add 5 pts to my score. I would really love to get in this year, it would save me a lot of money because I wouldn't have to take all those extra classes for points.
I'm a transfer student as well. I have my AA from another CC, but some of the extra pt classes are from FMU. I have computers and medical terminolgy that didn't transfer. I was hoping to see if they can be used for the point system.
I remember hearing about the RN-BSN program and thought that was pretty cool, but I'm thinking if I get a job as an RN, I'll really need an online RN-BSN program. I didn't even think to ask if it was going to be online or not.
So if SFC has BSN programs they aren't a CC anymore? Is that why they dropped the last "C?"
At the advisement did they tell you how many applied the year before last? It was 450 and last year was 309. I wonder if they trend is going down?
It's so good to hear from you again, I will definately keep you posted. I wish you and your friend the best of luck.
32 Posts
Did you succeed in getting into SFCC? I hope so! What has your experience been so far? I plan to apply this January (2012). Thanks!
Yes. I did. I really didn't think I had enough points. I was planning on applying again next year so I was very surprised when I got my letter.
The first day of class was a mess. The whole day seemed like a waste of time because all it did was confuse me even more. Everything made more sense when we were split up into smaller groups. In the small groups 2nd yr students came and talked to us. One thing I remember them saying was that NP1 was deceptively easy and NP2 was the bear. So hopefully, if I survive NP2, I'll make it to the end.
I can't say that I enjoy nursing school too much. My husband calls it 'boot camp' for nurses; it really is. The information is not hard at all, what's hard is the amount of information and the limited amount of time you have to learn it. With that said, I'm doing well.
I start clinical this thursday; after my physical assessment lecture today, I feel slightly terrified. I know I'll enjoy clinical if I can get over my fear of fatally harming my patient:eek:
Good luck with the application process. If you have more questions, feel free to ask.
21 Posts
I have followed a few of your posts as you worked your way into the nursing program. How is NP2 going for you? I am planning on applying for the nursing program in May 2012. I am already so nervous and scared! I feel ridiculous because its so far from now. I want it so bad though! They changed the scoring process up this year. The Kaplan isn't worth as much, SNA membership doesn't count for squat, and its only a max of 99 points. Because of the changes I have no way to compare how I stand pointwise to previous applicants who got in. The only thing I can do is finish this semester out strong, and hope I've done enough! Hope all is well.
Congrats on making an awesome career decision!!!
NP2, so far is uneventful, but the semester calendar promises much excitement:eek:. I am worried about how I'm going to juggle a family and get through this semester, but I always remember two quotes: one I saw on a church billboard, "If God brought you to it, He'll bring you through it." and what my husband always says,"The only easy day was yesterday."
Good luck this year and try not to go crazy waiting for 'the letter." I hope to meet you in the fall. If you have any more questions, thoughts or concerns, I don't mind sharing:D.
Thank you for your encouragement. I hope NP2 is still going at a nice pace for you. Thank you for your quotes, I especially like the one you saw on the billboard. I want this so much, I can't stand it! Let me know how the whole juggling family thing is working for you. I have a 2 year old little boy and a wonderful husband. I was wondering if you could let me know about having a job while in the nursing program. Is it possible? Do you know anyone doing that and still doing ok? What are the hours like? I hope you are still enjoying it. I hope to meet you in the fall also!
Medic2RN, BSN, RN, EMT-P
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