San Joaquin Delta College Fall 2013

U.S.A. California


I don't think there is a thread started yet. Who's applying?

Hey everyone,

I was accepted into Spring 2013, and am currently in my first semester!!!! I always used allnurses, and it was so awesome when current students would come on and give me an idea of what to expect. Just to let you know, when I had submitted my documentation, I was told that all you need for proof of employment during pre reqs was at some point during pre reqs. there was no need to submit anything covering the totality of your pre reqs. If you have above a 62, i would bet that you'll be accepted. delta doesn't send you your score, but using your grades and the paper with the scores (downloadable from the ADN Site) you can figure it out easily. about 61 or 62 seemed to be the bottom, including alts with our semester, even with only 40 students accepted which was TERRIFYING for me!!! If you all have any questions feel free to post. I was back and forth with HS due to complications with my app many many times, plus i was always so scared to mess something up i would call all the time just in case to ask questions.... so they answered a lot of questions for me, so I may be able to answer some for you!!! Good luck!!!!!!!!

Hi Full of Faith!

Do you happen to know if the people who got 61 or 62 selected via lottery, or was that the lowest of the 90% merit people? Just curious :)

How do you like the program so far? Do you have any tips for us; like things to memorize (equations, common calculations, etc)?

I really miss the Delta campus! It was really lovely (and smoke free, unlike Sac City!)...

SO the main thing i would say is save money!!!!! starting costs atleast 2,000, and that's with buying the supplemental texts online :/ everything costs money, stethoscope about 60, shoes about 50, scrubs are about 180 for 2 pairs.. (you want two pairs!) lol background check/drug test is 81 you have to purchase ati package for 480 plus 150 for skills kit, then 220 for nursing 1 main textbook, then there are like 4 supplemental books, 180 for pharm book, another 120 for pharm workbook, another 280 for the med/surg book package, 30 for , plus it is a requirement to have health insurance... and i STILL haven't gotten my financial aid :( and i have no idea about lottery v cut off. no one really knows what their scores were when i asked them. but im pretty sure that as long as you're about a 62 you should get in.... however, there was a girl last semester who got a 64.5 and said she was an alternate #3 i think, and she did not get in. I know of ONE person accepted from the alternate list. i think only one person declined after the initial acceptance. im not sure tho and HS doesn't disclose the info about scores or anything. if you make an appointment with the counselor that specializes in nursing program... she will usually tell you what the stats are. she had told me (the semester before i had applyed) what the point cut off was and stuff. she's also really helpful. when do you find out if you're accepted? im assuming you're waiting for the documentation turn in deadline right now.

to SHYE .... I just looked at what you posted earlier that regardless of what grade they choose to use, you had a 68 lowest. i bet you will get accepted. that's a high score. i've never heard of it going anywhere close to that high as a cut off, and i've been at delta for 2 years. Since you're unsure about your math you should post on here what you have so far. last semester a few of us did that, and were able to catch each other's mistakes. just list what your grades were and stuff and what points you get for those, plus any other points, and put what you're totaling up.

Full of Faith: thank you for your advice! I (we) are really grateful to hear the stories of those who came before us :)

I have about $2,000 saved up now and I am aiming to have at least 3k by the start of school, but we will see...

I for sure got at least 63 points (I was right not to trust my math!) if they end up calculating my grade with a C in anatomy and an A in A&PII and a B in micro... Worst case scenario...

Those of you in the program, are all first semester book absolutely necessary? I have heard that some of the books end up being not used very much. Thank you

What is included in the med-surg and fundamentals of nursing bundals?

@ full of faith, the quiznos thing was not my only obstacle. I believe I have been able to sufficiently prove working there though, I got a printout from the SS office and I will write a letter from myself. The only other obstacle is my micro class from Carrington college. i had it previously evaluated from delta and they recorded on my evaluation that it transfers and is equivalent to BIO 22 at delta, but I am nervous that the nursing department for some reason wont accept it. this is the class that I selected "quarter" system instead of "semester" system also (OOPS!) Other than that, I think everything else looks good. And if my calculations are correct, i have 68.5 points. i think Ill be turning in my packet on Thursday. Good luck to everyone!

I am turning my application in today! Good luck everyone!

@Ashley: I have faith that they will accept it:) They can't throw out a 68.5 point candidate based on a stinkin' typo!

Wow! This thread has really grown. Not getting much time to check in with a house full of sick people. I'm completing the application package tonight.

Ashley, I wouldn't over worry on the typo. They have your transcripts to verify everything whether semester or quarter.

Shye, I don't beleive there is any way that Delta can count the Anatomy you took instead of your A&P I since you do not have the corresponding Physiology course, but rather you have the A&P II. You can't receive points for an incomplete set, but only the combination of classes that you finished. If you only took Anatomay and A&P II, that would not satisfy the prereq entry requirement to the nursing program, so it can't then be used against you. It a nice loop hole with the delta system with Sac city close by.

I just looked at Sac city's page today as the nursing app is up, but see nothing about the Extended Campus as usual. I'll try calling again. They never return calls:(

Hi DLR! I hope your family feels better soon!

I am waiting for the nursing info meeting to start at SCC; I will make sure to tell you what they say about the extended campus!

Oy! Still no word on the extended campus, except that they will be choosing from the SCC applicant pool if they do have the funding...

They also said they'll be picking 33 students per semester and the extended campus class would be 55 students for one semester...

Oy! Still no word on the extended campus, except that they will be choosing from the SCC applicant pool if they do have the funding...

They also said they'll be picking 33 students per semester and the extended campus class would be 55 students for one semester...

Hi shye! Are you applying to ARC too? I just did and the enrollment prescreening form wasn't "form fillable" so I just printed it out an filled it in by hand. Just wondering if anyone else had the same experience.


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