San Diego State Prerequisites?


I am currently applying to SDSU, and I'm unsure of whether I can apply for Fall 2012, or I have to indicate Spring 2013 because I may have classes planned at my community college for Spring 2012 (next semester). I know that if you have any of the required classes planned for this next spring semester, you have to apply for the following spring.

The classes I have in progress are General Biology (which I know they want) and the Critical Thinking course all CSUs require. I have completed everything else.

My question is are these part of the prerequisites that you have to complete a year ahead, or would I be able to apply for fall?

On the Admissions Criteria page, they only list these prereqs, which I have already completed:

Completion of Prerequisite Course Requirements :

BIOL 261: Human Physiology with Lab, 4 sem units (Minimum grade of “B-“)

BIOL 212: Human Anatomy with Lab, 4 sem units (Minimum grade of “B-“)

BIOL 211 & 211L: Microbiology with Lab, 4 sem units (Minimum grade of “B-“)

CHEM 102: Organic Chemistry, 5 sem units (Minimum grade of “C”)

-OR- CHEM 130, 3 sem units (Minimum grade of “C”)

PSY 101: Psychology, 3 sem units (Minimum grade of “C”)

SOC 101: Sociology, 3 sem units (Minimum grade of “C”)

COMM 103: Oral Communication, 3 sem units (Minimum grade of “C”)

And if I am able to apply as a Fall candidate, should I still list General Bio and Critical Thinking on my supplemental app as classes in progress/planned?

Thank you so much for any help! :redpinkhe

Hi Seashelleyes,

I am also applying to SDSU for the Fall 2012 semester School of Nursing class. Since you have completed all of the Nursing prerequisites, DO NOT put anything in the "List all the pre-requisite courses you are in the process of completing or need to complete" area. I'm glad that you completed all of the School of Nursing prerequisites by end of this semester because it would make you ineligible for the Fall 2012 class. And I am assuming that you are a transfer student, it would also make you ineligible for the Spring 2013 School of Nursing class because of CSU's transfer policy. That is something that screwed me over last application period.

Long story short, you are eligible to apply for Fall 2012 admission into SDSU's School of Nursing. And don't put classes down in part III of the School of Nursing application (List all the pre-requisite courses you are in the process of completing or need to complete area). Good luck!!! If you don't mind asking, what are your grades like? I hope to be in the same Nursing class as you.

- Twobucktin (Justin)

Thank you for the reply! :) I was actually rereading my original post and noticed that I made a mistake -- I have General Biology and Critical Thinking planned for this next spring, not in progress right now. Am I still okay to apply as a fall candidate? I'm mostly worried about General Biology. Technically it is a prereq from what I can tell, but not one that they use to judge your prereq GPA...

Yes, you are able to apply as a fall candidate with General Biology and Critical Thinking as planned in the Spring semester. Those pre-reqs are more for the university rather than the School of Nursing. The only pre-requisites that would make you ineligible to be a candidate for the Fall 2012 class are the ones that you listed in your first post that you said you completed already.

Okay, thank you!! That definitely eases my mind. I was really hoping to apply for fall.

I have a 4.0 in the core classes, although that's not my overall college GPA. Good luck to you as well! Hopefully we both get accepted. :)

Same here!!! I hope we both get accepted too! :)

I am about to apply to the nursing program for Spring 2014. What do you mean when you say ....

"DO NOT put anything in the "List all the pre-requisite courses you are in the process of completing or need to complete" area"

Should I leave that area of the application blank?


Hi @Jaime1990,

If in the fall, you are completing a pre-req or still need to take a pre-requisite, then you would put those courses in the box. I was just making sure that Sheshelleyes didn't put anything in there because she was applying for the fall cohort and any class in progress in either the fall or spring semester will make you ineligible for the fall cohort. Also, they took some transfers in this year's cohort as opposed to not taking any transfers in the 2011 spring cohort. Feel free to ask anymore questions if you need clarification or have anything else to ask.

Hi @Twobucktin,

Thanks for your rapid response. I am planning to apply this year for the spring 2014 class. I have read a couple of forums and noticed that it s a very though program to get into.

I will be taking my last prereq during spring 2013. Would I still be able for the 2014 program?



No problem! Yes, that makes you eligible for the Spring 2014 cohort. Also, I read on the other thread that you have 75 points, I would say that you would be in really good position to make it in, especially in the Spring cohort. Are you planning to transfer into SDSU or are you currently as student there?

Yes, when I apply I will have 75 points. I am currently at southwestern college. I am applying to state oct.

Alright... this year they took transfers in the spring cohort, but the previous year they didn't. Please call the school of nursing to see if they are allowing transfers to be in the spring 2014 cohort. If they are, then finish your pre-reqs with good grades and I would say that you are good to go! Good luck with everything... feel free to ask anymore questions about anything.

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