Published Jun 9, 2009
Anyone out there applying for this program? Looking for some friends to share the stress of the waiting game with!
32 Posts
As for the logistics of the interview...there are typically 20 people per group and 3 head of luck..I'll be assisting the panel this upcoming weekend so best of luck to ALL OF YOU! =) You should be extremely proud for even being invited for an interview.
10 Posts
Thank you for all of your help Wishing2beanRN! I am sure everyone who reads this forum appreciates all of your advice. :) How was the NCLEX?
1 Post
Hello everyone!
Does anyone know up to what month interviews will take place?
Hello everyone!Does anyone know up to what month interviews will take place?
Hi Tishu527,
From what I understand, I believe interviews will be held during the month of August. I know that SMU will have interviews on 8/8 and 8/10. I am not sure if they have other interview dates. Good Luck!
BioSciGeek: NCLEX was fine. I passed. :cheers: Although, I cried 2 days after thinking I didn't pass. Apparenlty, a lot of people feel that way.
TIshu527: It really depends on the interview batches. THey only pick ~20 per FNP class, so if they don't like the quality of applicants interviewed in these 3 rounds they may have other interviews.. At least, that's what happend to my class. ..they just don't pick anyone.. it's highly competitive to get into the FNP program and they just want to pick the best of the best. =)
Congrats!!! I heard its pretty stressful. How well does SMU prepare you for the exam? I have been thumbing through Kaplan and other testing books. Can you recommend study strategies etc?
90 Posts
So, with that number of interviewees for so few slots, they must be looking for some specific qualities in the people they actually select. Any clues you can give us on what they are looking for? Thanks. Erik
Bioscigeek: Honestly, they do a decent job. They have just in stated a new testing exam that you must pass prior to taking the NCLEX, so I think that will make a big difference. After the pinning ceremony, it's really all up to you to REVIEW EVERYTHING. I learned actually more prior to taking the exam. It is overwhelming, and I recommend paying for the Kaplan course. It costs a lot but it's worth. The Kaplan questions online were really helpful and were very similar to the exam.
JD2NURSE: Yeah, there are only a few slots, which sucks. We're just looking for someone who is honestly confident and genuine. If you can somehow correlate your answers with past experiences in the medical field, for example, the better your "score". There will be a couple things that are "interesting" that will happen during the interview but it's fun. TRUST ME. =) They like Type A I said previously..I think I gave my tips in a previous post. Just relax..i know easier said than done..
It will be nice to see some of you this weekend..GOOD LUCK!!!!
Thanks a lot, wishing2beanRN. And yes I read your previous tips. Thanks for them as well. It looks like we just need to "let it flow" on Saturday, so that's what I'll do! Looking forward to it (sort of). :) Erik
4 Posts
wishing2beanRN, thank you so much for the advice! All of your great tips for the interview have "somewhat" alleviated my fears about the upcoming interviews. :uhoh21: I understood from previous messages that there was a ratio of 3:20 in the interview. My concern was if a question was asked by the faculty members, do all the interviews go around a circle and answer or is it whoever answers first? I am not quite sure how the group interviews go, being that this will be my first. Any other great tips would be great! :plsebeg:
- Kathy who is anxiously waiting....:chair: