Samuel Merritt ELMSN/FNP Fall 2013 Sacramento

Nursing Students Post Graduate


Hi Everyone, I haven't seen this thread yet and as the application date (July 1) looms closer I thought I would start one. I am interested to know who is applying, what your undergraduate degree of study was and why you are now going into nursing? I'm taking the TEAS tomorrow!!!

So I will answer my own questions; My name is Darcy, my Bachelor's degree is in gerontology. My plan is to work with the elderly, hopefully in hospice. FNP is the next logical step for me.


Well I got the email.... Wait listed #17. Well, I'll hope for the best, but until I get the acceptance call I will start working on making myself a better candidate for next summer. Congratulations to all that got accepted and wait listed. To those who don't get in.... Please don't give up. You have to pick yourself up, brush yourself off and then ask yourself what can I do differently to make myself the best possible candidate. The fact that you keep going and don't give up tells them a lot about your character.

Well I got the email.... Wait listed #17. Well, I'll hope for the best, but until I get the acceptance call I will start working on making myself a better candidate for next summer. Congratulations to all that got accepted and wait listed. To those who don't get in.... Please don't give up. You have to pick yourself up, brush yourself off and then ask yourself what can I do differently to make myself the best possible candidate. The fact that you keep going and don't give up tells them a lot about your character.

I totally agree! The good thing about these type of programs, is that once your in and finish you have a stable career that you love and that your really making a difference in people's lives everyday. If it takes a few tries to get in, and be set in terms of what you want to do, for the rest of life, its nothing. Honestly, it would be ideal to get in right away, but thankfully SMU has two campus and two app deadlines each year. Keep applying.Keep trying. It's worth it. I asked a lot of people that were successful in their field and many times they were the underdogs, and many got into grad programs through wait-list. I remember in my interview as said in this forum, that SMU went through there whole wait-list before. So much hope left.

I just reactivated my facebook after not being on for a year, so that I can be a part of this facebook group lol! Can't wait to meet all of you guys

^ Hi Sandy! I realized I never said anything to you yet. CONGRATULATIONS!

Specializes in Oncology.

Does anyone know the timeframe they accept students from the waitlist? Does it go until the first day of class?

I've heard they do accept people right up to the first day of classes. That's why they say if you are high up on the waitlialst you should still get your CPR (BLS for healthcare providers) and shots and stuff done since that all can take awhile.

I talked to Liza today and she said that for the Sacramento campus they typically get to #8 on the wait list and the Oakland campus goes through a lot more of the wait list. I didn't ask Liza, but Ive read on this web site that they have called wait listed applicants right up to a few days before classes start. Personally, I choose to believe that we are not their typical class therefor they will get through more than #8. Liza even said that we were all super qualified and it was very hard for them to make their decisions and I'm sure that most of us applied to more than one they may get through more than just 8. hopefully that way all of us get in somewhere and achieve iur dream. Just trying to stay positive for all of us :)

Hi all! I don't have facebook so I won't be joining the group... (I know, I'm the only person in the world without facebook). See you all on orientation day! Congrats to all!

FYI wait listed folks! I was wait listed, now I am in! Movement has started.

Hey all- I was wait listed and I got a call from Liza today! I'm in!! So keep hope alive!!

Congrats dardymomma! That's amazing!

dardymomma,If you don't mind me asking, what # were you on the waitlist

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