Samuel Merritt BSN Spring 2012

U.S.A. California


Hello every one,

I was wondering if anyone applied for the Spring 2012 BSN program at Samuel Merritt. The application deadline just passed on September 1st. I asked the lady that took my packet when students will start hearing back and she said it takes around 3 months to review all the applicants. I'm super anxious, and I was wondering if anyone is in the same boat!

i also just got my acceptance email! congrats everyone who got in! good luck to those who are still waiting ;)

Yay!!! Congrats!! See you guys in nursing school! We should make a pact and help each other :) it's always good to have a support group!

:D Congrats to both of you! Glad that there is more of us who can celebrate! See you soon :)

Also, will you guys be commuting from a different city? or living close to the campus?

Well I live in South SJ and with traffic it's goon to take about an hour it so to get to Oakland. I was thinking of getting a place close to campus. But I'm not absolutely sure. What about you guys?

Well I live in South SJ and with traffic it's goon to take about an hour it so to get to Oakland. I was thinking of getting a place close to campus. But I'm not absolutely sure. What about you guys?

Ah, that is a long drive... I recently moved to an appartment within walking distance to the Fremont Bart station. So most days I think I'll be taking the Bart into Oakland.

I wonder how far away the Bart station is from the school. I hope you'll be safe!

as for me, I have no clue how to apartment shop but I need to find a place by January! I'm very excited for this semester to end and begin our nursing journeys.

Good luck to those who are still waiting! i'm keeping my fingers crossed for you guys.

I'm on the waiting list :/


I am going to apply for spring 2013 and will still have three non-science courses I will be taking. Just curious, did you make it off the wait list to accepted status and were your in progress classes non-scinece also?

Thanks :)

This is a school I'm interested in. Any advice?

How many people got in from the waiting list? I applied to the spring 2013 so I'm just wondering.

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