Salary negotiating for a Military Vet

U.S.A. California


Howdy all! New to the board, love the information I see, but throughout the internet I cannot find an answer to my question, so I figured I'd get the expert advice from ya'll.

In two years my contract with the USAF will be over, and I will be ready to move on to my life as an RN. Resume as follows:


Associates Degree in Nursing

Associates Degree in Applied Health Sciences

Six years Military experience as a Medical Technician

-Have worked Family Practice, Ambulance Services, ICU, and ER

I'm set on moving to San Diego, or anywhere in California south of Vandenberg AFB. I'd love to be working Hospital, since that is my love. Travel nurse and Clinic doesn't really excite me.

Just wondering what you all think is a fair hourly rate that I can negotiate for with my previous experience. Think 40/45 is fair, or should I lower my hopes to 30 or even 25?

Thanks all.

i appreciate your advice thank you so much! =) yesterday i went to this healthcare agency and they are goin to assign me at folsom prison. i'll give it a try hopefully i can get a permanent job in there so i can have medical benefits as well.. coz i don't have any benefits yet which i really need just in case...

Specializes in Emergency Medicine.

That's great to hear. Working registry there at Folsom you can see how the system works. You can start with the state's process right now. Just go to and get started. You can fill the state application online and you will be asked questions on a secondary list. Then when done, you indicate which prisons you will be willing to work at. After getting all that done, you will soon get letters from the prison that needs an RN, the wages will be shown and you return the letter with your reply if you want to interview. On the website you can read about the job duties. And see the wages and benefits. So take a look now online and get ready for your new job with the state. Good luck.

hi there! i just did the online application at the cdcr website, but unfortunately due to my lack of experience in working as an RN since i'm a new grad my score was only 75... rank 6 only... although i passed.. when i checked, i saw the number of candidates in the waiting list... it was really huge..

i hope they'll call me though....

Specializes in Emergency Medicine.

Great. You mention working at Folsom as a registry nurse, you will see how job is done. Not everyone replies to the work notice that is sent out. When they start to come, you will note the prison and the wages offered. Stay on top of it. If you refuse 3 times, or fail to send them back in 3 times, you are then taken off the list. I had tons of experience and marked the highest number there, and still got a low score. So don't that get you down. Just make the interviews. Good luck.

hi there! i haven't started working at folsom prison, my agency is still waiting for the gate clearance.. right now i'm trying to get into any new grad programs in the hospital.. it's kinda tough.. nobody is calling me coz i graduated in the philippines and when i called them they said their local grads are their priority.. i don't know how to get started.. i think i'll try working at care homes or long term care facilities.

Specializes in LTC, Treatment nurse, Rehab.

VA and civilian work at USAF hospitals may be your best bet. If you are getting in to the GS system, then time worked in the USAF would be credited. AND, the VA system gives preference to vets with the retirement pay as a better motivating factor over the hourly pay.

If I were a vet (my husband is) I would totally go for the VA system. The electronic charting system has been around longer than most civilian/private hospitals.

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