Saint Vincents Medical Center School of Nursing Application Buddy

U.S.A. New York


Hey everyone!

Is anyone else applying to Saint Vincents in Flushing for the Fall 2008 class? My exam is scheduled for the 11th. I would love to connect with someone else who is also going through the process.


what are the pre-reqs for st vincients? i am enrolled in kingsborough as of the upcoming fall 2009 semester

Specializes in Geriatrics.

hi tanu

I applied for the evening program also and I'm waiting for the test date. I wanted to know was the math hard and was it basic math. how many questions were there? I wish good luck!

hi tanu...

hows the math section of the exam? any geometry or metric conversion problems?

how would you rate the english section? I'm also applying for the evening class in January.

the math is pretty simple...jus brush up on basic stuff like working with fractions...dividing multiplying, changing from decimal to percent or fraction....and then there was also a little geometry word problems like finding the area....there were a few conversion problems well as simple stuff too like subtracting and adding big just review everything and learn not to spend too much time on one ques.....

i had the most trouble wid the english section because of the graph questions which took me the not good with graphs and we had to interpret and answere questions looking at graphs.....

cool i hope to get in and see all u guys in jan! be positive!....hope this helped

hi tanu

I applied for the evening program also and I'm waiting for the test date. I wanted to know was the math hard and was it basic math. how many questions were there? I wish good luck!

the math and english was not really just depends how much u practiced...because its a timed test so u cant take too long on every question.....i had abt 88 questions for each section with 90 min for might seem like enough time but just pace urself and dont get hung up and try to fill something in for every was all mult, choice for me...

thanx....gud luck to u guys too for jan

thanks...hows the english comprehension section? just to give u a little glimpse of my vocabulary, I started hs in my country and graduated in NY. I had 1 sem of esl and 3 sems of regular eng. I went back to my country after 2 years in college and moved back here in ny r yrs ago. My conversational skills is pretty good (i work as a customer service rep) or at least good enough. But conversational english and what we are tested for is different. I'n extremely nervous about this test because of that.

Any insight/tip will help a whole lot. Thanks!

thanks...hows the english comprehension section? just to give u a little glimpse of my vocabulary, I started hs in my country and graduated in NY. I had 1 sem of esl and 3 sems of regular eng. I went back to my country after 2 years in college and moved back here in ny r yrs ago. My conversational skills is pretty good (i work as a customer service rep) or at least good enough. But conversational english and what we are tested for is different. I'n extremely nervous about this test because of that.

Any insight/tip will help a whole lot. Thanks!

The english part is basically finding the meaning of a word withing a sentence, reading passages and answering questions, and i also had some questions where u had to figure out whats wrong with the sentence grammatically. Its nothing that you dont know if your able to speak and study english but i think u still must study the vocab to increase word familiarity and interpret main ideas of sentences. so just practice from the review books and time urself

hi tanu,

took the exam on the 12th. still waiting for results.

any update on your application?

no reply trying to stay calm cuz im guessing they jus wanna take their own time reviewing every applicant.....but i did get a voicemail from one of the secretaries saying that i needed to submit my hs transcript in order for my application to be complete......i had no idea of this until she told i had that mailed out recently....other than reply yet

Tanu i can't reply to your private message with another private message bc. it doesn't allow me, but thank you. I got an 85 on the exam and I did better on the math than the reading. Ive already said this in another dicussion. Honestly I dont know how they choose their candidates. I had already given up because I took my exam on July 15 and waited all summer. So after a while I didn't think they'd call me. They finally got back to me during the 2nd week of September. I didnt think they were going to contact me until one day I got out of the shower and there was a message for me saying that they wanted to schedule an interview. So my advice to you is to just calm down and be patient. I know how you feel. Find something to do; it'll put your mind at ease. Don't stress it!

thanx for telling me to calm really cant hear those words enough....i hate this feeling of not knowing and being stuck in the wayz....all of us who have not gotten a response yet dont really have a choice....we jus gotta wait it out.....:uhoh3::zzzzz:banghead: lol

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