Saint Paul's School of Nursing Fall 2018

U.S.A. New York


Hello, future RN students!

I couldn't find a thread on SPSN Fall 2018 so I'm starting one with lots of questions.

How did everyone do on their HESI?

Did anyone get an interview with the president yet?

I was told that it would be "awhile" before I hear back from the admissions dept

but does anyone have an idea when will that be?

Please feel free to comment and share your insights.


I would strongly advise against St. Paul's school of nursing. They are basically non accredited. The one accreditation they have is basically useless. As long as they feel you can pay/are approved for financial aid you're in. It's absolutely a business. I know many people who graduated from them and are now working for $10-15 as medical front desks. You will be better off going to a CUNY school and getting an associates and then bachelors.

Not true at all! I went to SPSON and now work at NYU....

@nursetxoxo thank you for your encouraging comment.

Can I ask you where you got your BSN after graduating from SPSON?

I took the hesi on 6/8 I scored 98% on math, and 88% on English. I haven't heard back yet. I believe there is a 3-4 week waiting period. Have you heard anything yet?

I took my HESI on April 12 for this fall semester and still have not heard back. I recently contacted the admission to get the estimated waiting period and she said it will be a while and didn't give me exactly how long... the previous posts say that they get the answer a week before the class starts!! :/ I guess they like to make us feel desperate.

That's crazy. I hope we hear something soon. How did you do on the hesi? Was it your first try? Also did you ever apply before?

It was my first try and scored 86% and first time applying. How did you do Lpn-J?

I sure hope to hear back soon though bc this is killing me.

Yes, it was my first attempt as well. 98% on the math, and 88% on the English. It's killing me as well. Hopefully, we will get accepted this week. Definitely keep me posted.

Does anyone know if they'll make you retake certain courses even if you have an associates degree?

I am glad that it worked out for you. I am simply sharing the information I found out about them through my own experience and others experiences.

Did they call you?

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