Published Sep 9, 2009
148 Posts
Odd question but I don't know where else to go besides to my unit and it's kind of a personal matter IMO. Before I get to the question let me provide some background and such to prevent any misunderstanding. I have my own insurance, not tricare, and I'm not asking the military to pay for anything. I'm 25 and I had a baby 8 years ago. since then I've exercised, dieted, and done tons of sit ups. My daughter was 10lbs 8oz and I'm only 5 feet tall, so there was a lot of streching going on during pregnancy. I got down to 128 (120 pre-pregnancy) and still had a lot of skin/fat on my abdomen and still got "Oh, are you pregnant?" comments. I'm interested in getting a tummy tuck since I don't want any more children and I'm sick of feeling fat and getting pregnancy comments even when I've lost weight. My question is this: Are there any rules in the army reserves in regards to elective surgery? Do I have to get some kind of permission or pre-approval in order to have this surgery done? Has anyone had an experience with something like this, or any ideas where I could get an answer?
I hate to ask anyone in my unit because it's a very personal decision and I don't feel it's anyone's business but my own unless there is some rule or regulation regarding this. I'm also curious because I worry that if I might need to get a temporary profile for sit-ups it would be an issue and I don't want to break any "rules".
Cursed Irishman
471 Posts
Having had elective surgery as a reservist: Just do it, but schedule it around drills. Its not the reserve's business what you do surgically on your own dime provided it doesn't impact drills/unit mission. If there's a question about a profile, just have the surgeon write something generic out; which really shouldnt be necessary if your unit isnt scheduled for a pt test.
thanks, that's what I was thinking. I'm new to the reserves so I just wanted to be sure that this wouldn't be a concern
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