RP nurses have no reason to be jobless

World International


An exerpt from www.gmanews.tv


MANILA, Philippines - A former health secretary said aspiring overseas Filipino nurses who recently passed the board exams but have remained unemployed in the country were not resourceful enough to look for job vacancies.

Dr. Jaime Galvez Tan, a professor at the University of the Philippines College of Public Health, said there is no reason for Filipino nurses to feel that there are no job opportunities for them when there remains a high demand for Philippine health workers overseas.

"Resourceful nurses go to the Internet where they can apply and be immediately interviewed through the webcam," Tan said.

Unfortunately, said Tan, even the best nursing schools in the country have not taught resourcefulness among its students.

It is now 2012, and this is still the best statement of facts here, still holds true. Pinoys, forget nursing and the USA, your chances of ever working here legally is close to absolute zero.

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