Roseman ABSN 2022

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi! I wanted to start a thread since I didn’t see one yet. I just submitted my application last night. I’m from Vegas and hope to get into the Henderson campus. Hoping to meet others who are as anxious and excited as I am right now ?

On 11/6/2021 at 5:06 AM, Angelita Bugay said:

Hi guys! I submitted my application for ASBN Feb 2022 mid-October and I haven't received an invite for an interview, I wonder when the deadline is? I'm hoping I get in and get to meet all of you guys next year! (I'm going to remain hopeful!!) I applied for UNLV nursing program of Spring 2022 and I was one point from getting in ? but I am not giving up!

Hi!! I remember you from the UNLV NRS Spring 2022 forum! I applied and was not accepted as well. I'm really hoping that I am given the chance at Roseman. I received a notice from an admissions specialist on October 16 that they've received my application. I didn't receive the invite for an interview until October 30. As for the deadline, I'm also not sure if they have one because their website only provides application open dates. It might have something to do with the fact that they have a rolling admission. This is what I got from their website: 

"The College of Nursing employs a rolling admissions process. Classes may be filled prior to the deadline indicated. Please contact the Admissions and Enrollment Office to determine if classes have been filled."


From what I was told they do interviews monthly. But here’s what I would do at this point.

Just reapply for the July cohort while you’re waiting. The application opens up Dec 1. It seems like people that apply immediately after the application period opens gets interviews and acceptance sooner and I’ve read from various posts online that some people who’ve applied for the previous cohort got interviews for the next. This is what I’ve pieced together reading across various boards. Plus, it helps to add them on Instagram because they post when acceptances and interviews letters go out. I hope this helps some folks. ? 

Hi there. Anyone want to chat about the Nov 10 interview?

Am I crazy or did I hear the director of admissions say something like: “We should have seats for everyone at today’s interview but some of you will be alternates.” That gave me a lot of confidence but maybe I misheard…?

Specializes in Emergency Medical Technician.

I heard that in the interview too! 

I second hearing that as well. I guess all that’s left to do is to prepare to high-five each other in person!?


*crosses both fingers*

I totally flubbed a question during the interview and resorted to a blank stare. But otherwise, I thought it went well. 

Anyone else? ?

16 minutes ago, nrsjaki said:

I second hearing that as well. I guess all that’s left to do is to prepare to high-five each other in person!?


*crosses both fingers*

I totally flubbed a question during the interview and resorted to a blank stare. But otherwise, I thought it went well. 

Anyone else? ?

@nrsjaki go easy on yourself! It’s stressful to have to reply on the spot!

I’m extremely grateful to all previous applicants who posted the interview questions they were asked. I prepped for each of the 9 questions I found on this forum and was asked 4 of them in my own interview:

1. How would you show professionalism as a student nurse

2. Describe a time you went above and beyond 

3. How you’d show caring and compassion toward a patient’s dissatisfied family members

4. Describe a time you were in charge of a group/project and someone on your team dropped the ball

The only thing I’m still worried about is the lack of campus selection. I really need SJ campus; if I get Henderson, I’ll have to turn down my seat. ? Looks like others on this thread did NOT get their first choice so that’s why I’m concerned.

I live in Las Vegas. I got interviewed by Henderson faculty. I don’t know if that’s any indication, but I wonder if other applicants that specified which school they preferred got interviewed by corresponding staff?

Anyone else? 

I live in Utah with preference for South Jordan but was interviewed by two Henderson faculty, Profs. Bermundo and Arato (who were lovely). Curious to know if any South Jordan profs conducted interviews…

4 hours ago, koln said:

Hi there. Anyone want to chat about the Nov 10 interview?

Am I crazy or did I hear the director of admissions say something like: “We should have seats for everyone at today’s interview but some of you will be alternates.” That gave me a lot of confidence but maybe I misheard…?

Definitely heard that and got a little excited and then he followed up by by saying something about how of us might end up as an alternate candidate which scared me a little. 

How many people were actually at the interview? I saw a long list but only saw like maybe ten ish folks. 

On 11/12/2021 at 9:48 PM, nrsjaki said:

How many people were actually at the interview? I saw a long list but only saw like maybe ten ish folks. 

I counted approximately 42 on the call; 5-7 looked like Roseman staff.

Thanks Koln! That’s what I figured. Around 40ish people. Maybe us being the last round of interview applicants was a GOOD thing. By now, I’m sure that anyone who had seats and had to pass for whatever reason were already evident since they’ve been admitting since August, so they’re probably hell-bent on filling the remaining seats at each campus. They were probably more choosy in the beginning. Of course, these are assumptions. From what I’ve extrapolated from reading various forums—not to mention what was said about the possibility of the dean of admissions mentioning having enough seats—It seems like at least 25 percent of folks don’t get the campus they hoped for; which probably explains why they may have enough space. But for some reason, I feel like I REALLY like the odds at this point. But, I live in Vegas and was a poker player, so that’s kind of my thing ;-).

Regardless, we should know soon and I’m super excited!

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