Roll Call for all Military and VA Nurses and those considering the Service

Specialties Government


As the moderator for this forum ... I am interested to know where everyone is from, their background, branch of service (or VA VISN) and what they like the best about Military or VA Nursing .... this forum generally has some really good traffic, and I would like to pull all of us together and get to know one another a little better. :rolleyes:


As you can tell my name is SFC Jimenez and I am an AMEDD Recruiter for the US Army Reserves. If I could be of assistance to anyone on here looking to join I would be more than happy to assist you. Id like to thank all of you for taking on a career that helps so many people in so many ways. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving Holiday weekend : )

Specializes in Neonatal.

I am a new grad RN w/ my BSN, completing my Navy Direct Access kit w/ my recruiter for submission next week, woo!!! Come from a long line of Navy family members so it was a very natural choice for me, GO NAVY!!!

Specializes in Labor and Delivery; Orthopedics.

I am currently in the Navy's Nurse Candidate Program and will graduate in May 2011. I served in the USMC on active duty for seven years. I have been in school since 2007 when I EAS'd and I am ready to rejoin the military in this new career field.

Semper Fidelis and Anchors Aweigh!

Specializes in Critical Care, Military, PICC Line RN.

Navy Nurse here. I have been in the Navy for nearly 4 years and even though the "red tape" can get frustrating - I can't imagine going back to civilian nursing. I started out on a med-surg ward and after only 5 months went to the ICU here at Camp Lejeune. The Navy has paid for me to attend AACN's NTI for the last two years, paid for my PICC Line training, as well as so many other continuing education opportunities. Oh, I was recently accepted to DUINS (duty under instruction) so I will be going to the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences (USUHS) for the Nurse Anesthesia program (CRNA) in May.


Congrats : ) Wish you well.

Hello everyone. I'm a registered nurse in the philippines and i was wondering if i am eligible to apply as a military nurse in the U.S..

please message me regarding my question. any feedback/asnwer is welcome and will be appreciated. thanks

or kindly email me for the reply [email protected]


In order to be eligible for a position as a Armed Forces Nurse (Army, Air Force, Navy) you need to be a graduate of an accredited (CCNE) US Nursing school. You would have to either contact an accredited Nursing school here in the US and see how many of your credits are transferable and how many more you need to get a BSN from here OR you could go for your MSN. Once you have either one THEN you could take the next step. There are other qualifications (medical,legal,moral) that you also have to meet.

Where are you located? I could let you know where the nearest AMEDD Recruiter is located.

Good luck.

wow.Thanks for the info. Jimenez. It's still a long way to go from my goal i guess. Does AMEDD have an overseas base?like for example here in singapore?^^ and how long do you think it would take me to qualify if for example half of my credits are transferable? thanks a lot. you sure are a great help ^^


Ive talked to others in your situation and they have contacted schools like University of Phoenix and West Coast University (private schools) to see how much more they have to do to get a BSN. Some have been told it would only take as little as 6-8 months, others were longer. If its over a year then you might as well get your MSN. Google NLN (National League of Nursing) and CCNE (Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education) and see what accredited schools are in your area. The only US accredited schools are based in the US and US territories.

I am prior U.S. Navy. I was enlisted for 6 years, as a CT. Didn't love the job, but I have massive love for the military in general. Now that I'm a nurse, LPN soon to be RN, soon to be BSN, I am seriously wanting to join the Air Force...eventually. Any tips related to being an Air Force nurse are greatly appreciated!



Specializes in Emergency Nursing (CEN).

I am finishing up my BSN, graduate May 2012 and have just been accepted to the Navy Nurse Candidate Program. Very excited to start this journey. I am 29, married and a mom to three kids. Looking forward to an exciting career in the Navy Nurse Corps!

Hello all!

I am currently a student at my local community college. I have another semester of pre-reqs to finish before applying to my ADN program. From there I plan to continue on to get my BSN and MSN with the intent to eventually become a CRNA. I know I have a long road ahead of me but I am undaunted. I fully intend to join the Nurse Corps in one of the branches of our armed services. I want the experience that only the military can give. The fellowship, camaraderie, and discipline of military life appeals to me. Add that to the fact that regardless of public opinion of any war (past, present, or future), I support our troops and feel that my support will be best utilized by administering medical care to our men and women in uniform and their families.

I believe that my military experience will give me an advantage over my civilian peers. I don't mean to knock civilian nurses, I have friends and family that took that route. I feel the military is a better fit for me. I had previously enlisted in the USMC (AD) a few years ago with the intention to get my education while working my MOS. I received an erroneous discharge thanks to a knucklehead move by my recruiter. I won't go into details unless specifically asked, lets just say it wasn't anything criminal, just a bad move by my recruiter. I believe that in the end this was for the best as my MOS was going to be combat arms and a friend of mine (former Marine) said that with my MOS it would be very hard to find adequate time to dedicate to my studies.

So here I am, a few years older, hopefully a bit wiser, and planning to take the officer route by getting my education first then applying for my commission (or applying for the NCP during my BSN program). I've read through many previous posts and have found a plethora of information regarding the Nursing Corps for the Army, Navy, and Air Force, so I won't repeat the FAQs. I want to thank everybody for their advice, direct or indirect, as I continue on my mission to becoming a commissioned officer in the Nurse Corps. I realize that at this time there is an abundance of qualified applicants for these positions and that it'll be tough to get in. Does that phase me? Heck no! That just means I'm gonna have to do better than everybody else, right? ;)

This is my mission statement. I hope that in a few years I can stand proud as a brother among you. Feel free to PM me if necessary. Thanks again!

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