Published Apr 2, 2008
1 Post
Has this happened to anyone out there. This happened to my best friend.
She started a new job about a month ago. The doctor who hired her took over a practice of another doctor who retired. There were still nurses and office workers there who worked for the other doctor who retired. My friend is an RN. It seems as if she walked into a den or vipers. Suddenly there were files missing, notes missing from files, notes from one file in another file, equipment not working, drugs missing from supplies. It seems to point to her somehow, but it was not her doing all this stuff.
My friend told the doctor that files requested by other doctors were not being managed properly and that stuff was missing from files and files were not returned and things missing from files.
My friend and I felt that she was being used as a scape goat. She has been transfered to another clinic and not with the "new doctor". The new doctor is a woman.
Has this ever happened to anyone.
ohmeowzer RN, RN
2,306 Posts
she should quit that company of doctors. sounds unhanded and she dosen't want anything to do with them.... look what happened to the nurses in vegas... i am glad she spoke up and said something .. but she needs to quit....
307 Posts
What am I missing? What happened to the nurses in Vegas?
.. look what happened to the nurses in vegas...