RN/RPN jobs in Toronto


Does anyone know of places that are hiring in the GTA? I am fairly new here, and am looking for RN/RPN but don't have any work experience. Any suggestions on looking for jobs? Thanks!

You can't apply for both, are you PN or RN? An employer needs to know.

i am actually licensed as both RN and RPN, so I am looking for any position.

hospitals and nursing homes post their job opportunities on their individual websites. to find a list of hospitals and nursing homes in toronto see ontario hospital association and ontario ministry of health and long term care websites.

you can submit your application electronically from the hospital/nursing home websites. follow up any electronic application submissions, by dropping off your resume in person, it will give you a chance to see the hospital/nursing home in person. ideally, go the hospital or nursing home first and try to tailor your covering letter to show that you are aware of what the facility does and how you think you could contribute to the patient care in that facility. do not send out the same generic cover letter to every employer and expect to get hired, it is an employer's market and you need to take steps to make yourself shine. good luck.



thanks dishes for your info!!:up:

Your welcome doesey

not sure if you have checked out RNAO's website but they have some good tips on the job application process




Try checking out HFOjobs.ca.

Has a bunch of job listings

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