Published Nov 19, 2008
peepo RN
38 Posts
hi guys im really interested about this field i know web develoment, java and a little bit of c programming, adobe photshop, zbrush, macromedia flash, and autodesk maya 3d software. can this help me in this field? also i have 2 years of nursing experience.
rninformatics, DNP, RN
1,280 Posts
Hi Peepo,
Sounds like your skill set would be valuable to a vendor in developing/designing and or programming HIT applications.
How are your data base, trouble shooting hardware and software, project management, change management and communication skills?
How comfortable are you with process design? How knowlegable are you related to work flow processes of nurses, physicians and other members of the clinical interdisciplinary heathcare team? It really will depend on exactly what it is you want to do in this specialty related to how well your current skills set matchs up with an individual position.
Take a look at the forum - specifically the section related to interview questions for Informatics roles and WELCOME!
Hi Peepo,Sounds like your skill set would be valuable to a vendor in developing/designing and or programming HIT applications.How are your data base, trouble shooting hardware and software, project management, change management and communication skills?How comfortable are you with process design? How knowlegable are you related to work flow processes of nurses, physicians and other members of the clinical interdisciplinary heathcare team? It really will depend on exactly what it is you want to do in this specialty related to how well your current skills set matchs up with an individual position. Take a look at the forum - specifically the section related to interview questions for Informatics roles and WELCOME!
well with regrads to the technical skills i believe i have a fair skill when it comes to trouble shooting specially my desktop pc. I am not like that nurse from another thread who has an enormous skill in systems administration. But my skill really focuses on graphics, i love adobe photshop, maya 3d which by the way is being used in most of the hollywood special effects and also web design. with regrads to programming im still learning it coz its a bit boring. and i do believe i have a fair nursing skills, i always keep on track of our billing system in the hospital, whenever we have admissions and disharges, i see to it that the system is going smooth. so do you think i have what it takes to become an rn informatics? coz i believe you to possess that programming skills which im really not that fun of. hehehe
Hey have you ever thought of using your skills in Instructional Design?
Since you are already so strong in graphics perhaps that would be another route to go?
FYI programming skills are not necessary in this specialty unless you want to work for a vendor. There are still a few hospitals who have in-house programmers on staff but thats very "old school" now a days.
SuesquatchRN, BSN, RN
10,263 Posts
Most facilities don't have the resources for in-house graphics programmers. Most of that stuff is out-sourced. Even our inernet site has been.
I have a strong programming background and I do NOT program here. The closest I come is running queries to extract data for the officers.
If you want to get into an informatics role the skills you have will help with getting hired, though. They show an ability to grasp IT concepts. But don't expect to use that particular skill set.