Rn bsn start dates


When is the next start dates for rn-bsn after may? Can i start on the 1s of June or july?

Also, the job requirement for admission to the program, can it be part time 1 day a week?

Thank you.

I also have the same question as applered. I just started working part time and wanted to know what the process is the wgu uses to verify that you're working as an RN before you can start the program

I also want to know if it has to be an RN job. I read somewhere that it could be nurse assistant, or it could even be anything in the health field, and I also heard it doesn't have to be in the hospital. So what kind of jobs qualify for this admission requirement?

This page Admissions Requirements for the College of Health Professions Online | Western Governors University states the requirement for RN-to-BSN and RN-to-MSN as "Must be working in a position that requires use of nursing knowledge at time of application and enrollment," so that could include LPN and possibly other things. Otoh, the BSN-to-MSN states "Must be actively working as an RN at the time of application and enrollment," so if you already have a BSN and are just getting the MSN, then you must be working as an RN when you apply and enroll. If you do not already have a BSN, you must only be working in a position that requires use of nursing knowledge.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
So what kind of jobs qualify for this admission requirement?
It needs to be a licensed nursing position in any type of setting (hospital, nursing home, home health, clinic, prison infirmary, etc).
When is the next start dates for rn-bsn after may?
The RN-to-BSN and RN-to-MSN programs have rolling start dates on the first day of every month.

Thank you for the clarification! I just got bumped to part time as an RN at my current employer and have submitted transcript requests to my adn program that I just completed. I'm hoping to start in the June 1st cohort

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