RN BSN N3425 holistic health assessment


anyone in this class now? Started April 7th.

I'm not in it but have taken it. Hit every.single.point in the lab manual and book. If it says to assess for pink sparkly horns with green dots on the arms, then you better say "pink sparkly horns with green dots not present on bilat arms (or digits x 10, etc). I often copied and pasted things, especially when ROM was assessed.

Don't forget bpm, bilat, digits x10, mm Hg, etc. and hit it all!! Everything from every column in the book. For real! Other than that it's super easy.


Thanks for the info. I was working on the Week one subjective data assigment...for example for question 2 under Past Medical History..it says to use page 45 Activity D in lab manual..there are questions 1-6 under past medical history...do we just ask those particular questions?? or include all past medical history?? and the same for Family History?? any ideas?? I have emailed coach..no reply. I work thur fri..so wanted to finish this by tom..I wanted to make sure I was doing it right.


I would only ask the questions asked.

However, I would also go in the textbook and if, for the objective assignment, it also asks for demo information or past medical hx, I would be sure to additionally answer those questions as well.

Specializes in Geriatric.

I am in this class and just got done with Quiz 1. I am not hopeful for the rest of the class!

It's a lot. But totally doable. Just time consuming and detail-oriented! The trifecta of pain is considered to be (by many): vulnerable, health assessment and research, so at least you are on your way to knocking one down!

I did not do as well as I would have liked to on the quiz..seemed like 30 mins was just not enough time to answer the 20 questions..time went by fast...but I did do well on the subj data assignment. still waiting on Obj data assignment grade....Starting on Week 2 assignments..hopefully it will be a better week. Does anyone have any better way in studying for the quiz???



how did you do on the quiz? How did you study for it? I did not do as well as I wanted to...I felt like the lab manual did help much for the quiz..i mostly focused on the readings...it would be nice if they would give us a blueprint for it...

Also currently taking this class . Getting ready for another week of lengthy assignments. Only 4 more weeks left . Counting down the weeks til this class is over!!

Specializes in Geriatric.

I did some of the readings, but the sheer amount was overwhelming! I just wish I knew what part to focus on.

hi I'm in the class as well, week 3 and I'm doing the sub/obj. Any idea about the diet thing? not sure about how to score on the discussion, just when I think I have it "boom", shattered. I just can't grasp what I'm missing. Not much help with the discussion board, it isn't that friendly or helpful. Just keeps referring us back to the syllabus or instructions. Thanks, just venting. Frustrated.

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