RN to BSN confusion


Hello! I'm new to this site and so glad I found it!

Here's my question:

I'm beginning a program to receive my associate's to become an RN. I have a Bachelor's degree in Biology (Pre-Med). After I complete my RN, I would like to go for my BSN. Does anyone have any idea what this will entail? Do I have to go back to school for a four year program? Or...?

Specializes in Emergency Room.

I'm sure that the requirements vary from university to university but I've seen programs that are two years and are considered full time (2 days a week), 3 years and part time (1 day a week), and even accelerated RN-BSN programs (14 months) Since you have a Bachelor's degree already, you probably won't have to take any upper division general education requirements since so you can just focus on nursing classes. I would recommend looking into local programs or possibly even programs offered online to get a better idea. Good luck with your ADN program!

Specializes in Forensic Psych.

I've never heard of a strict four year program for an RN-BSN considering they usually only require ~30 credits to complete. In my area they're all 1 year full time (however long you need if you go part time) and all are completely online except fora couple that require one day on campus per week. No big deal.

(Assuming you have all the prereqs completed already)

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