RN on Antidepressants?


Specializes in Tele, ICU, Staff Development.

Dear Nurse Beth,

Can I be an RN in NYC and take antidepressants?

Yes, absolutely, as long as you can perform your job.

Employers typically do not ask about your medical history, and you only need to disclose medical conditions if you are requesting a job accommodation (such as being hard of hearing).

The NY RN application does not ask any questions about a mental illness. Some BONs do, for example:

Are you being treated for a mental illness?”

If you answer ‘Yes”, you will probably be asked for more detail. A letter from your physician can affirm that you are fit for duty with no restrictions. Other BONs may not ask at all, or only ask you to disclose any newly treated or unstable condition.

The main thing is, whenever you are asked a question, just answer honestly and without extra detail. Falsification or fraud on a renewal or endorsement application could result in loss of licensure.

And good for you for getting treatment.

Best wishes,

Nurse Beth


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