6 Rights or 5 Rights?

Nursing Students General Students


of med administration? What does your school use? I'd always heard it as the 5-rights, but we are taught it's 6-rights, the last being "right documentation" is this a new things that they are moving to, or just our school?

also, are you taught to call patients "clients" "patients" or something else altogether?

Just curious what others do...

At my university, we learned 7:

1. Right patient

2. Right drug

3. Right dose

4. Right time

5. Right route

6. Right reason (You, as a nurse, need to know WHY your pt. is receiving this and if there are any side effects or interactions with other meds. A lot of MDs will make mistakes sometimes, and if you administer it, it's YOUR butt -- not theirs).

7. Right documentation

Hope this helped! :)

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