Published Aug 9, 2016
1 Post
Can someone help me understand if the vocational nursing college
CNI in Orange County is accepting students? I read on the accrediting body BNVPT website
that they revoked their approval.
Im concerned if i should not enroll here? Can someone help!? What are my options?
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
You should NOT enroll here. $33,000 in tuition and fees for an unaccredited LVN program of shady repute is entirely too much money to pay. Also, look at the disclosures. Only 46% of graduates were placed into nursing jobs.
Gainful Employment Disclosure Report - Diploma Vocational Nursing
Moved to the LPN/LVN Nursing Student forum.
Pca_85revived, LPN
60 Posts
They can withdraw approval for a number of reasons, returning to review what the school has done to fix the problem or problems some time later. Those actions are what I'd focus on, because they're what the approving.....board? will be looking at when deciding what to do. That said, if it was me and my money, I'd look for a different program based on cost alone. Best of luck.