Retaking pre-req class - affect chances?



I am currently in a Biology class and have a chance of getting a C or a D.

I was wondering (lets say I end up getting a D) if retaking this class will affect my chances of getting into a nursing program for schools such as CSULB or CSUSB?

Are your chances automatically lowered/hurt if a class is retaken or will it be viewed as the same as any other applicants?


Specializes in L&D, infusion, urology.

You'll have to look at their repeat policies. When I was accepted to LB, I had a few repeats in prereqs, but that was in 2011.

Runbaby was it your first try when you got accepted? What school is LB?

I'm in a similar boat. LB might mean CSU Long Beach? They no longer allow one to re-take pre-req courses.

If you receive a 'D' or 'F' in any course, you can apply for what is called academic renewal at your community college to basically have that grade count less towards your GPA. If you retake the course, certain CSU schools will accept the second attempt (San Jose State being one of them).

I know it stinks when you don't get the grade you want. I got a C in Statistics and its really prohibiting me from being competitive because it's going to weigh down my Pre-Req GPA.

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