Resurrection University Summer 2016

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi Everyone... I wanted to start a thread for Resurrection University Summer 2016. I have applied and wanted to have a place to ask each other questions and give each other support throughout the process :) I applied for the Evening Weekend BSN Program. Anyone else?

Hi silvertree

Thanks for sharing.

Do you remember the authors for the patho and pharma books?

"Focus on Nursing Pharmacology" by Amy Karch (6th ed.)

"Understanding Pathophysiology" by Sue Huether and Katheryn McCance (5th ed.)

I can't guarantee that this won't change....

Thanks for sharing. How is your experience so far?

Thanks for sharing. How is your experience so far?

Academically, I always thought I was above average... nursing school as shown me that I can't aim for As anymore. It's partially because 92+ is an A and 84+ is a B (below 75 is failing). I've come to the mindset that if I pass, I'll be happy. I'm glad that I decided not to work while in school, especially in the first semester. A lot of times went into studying and writing care plans... I would've personally failed if I worked.

Regarding teachers, I've had only 2 not so good ones. One was just crazy and the other just didn't care. I should say that they were fairly new teachers. The other teachers I had were fabulous. I loved every other teacher I had. They tried their best to teach and make the class as enjoyable as they could or at least tried not to act crazy and have unrealistic expectations of us... but all of them challenged us. So don't drop nursing just because of a few horrible teachers or nurses. There will always be a few bad apples in the bushel.

Clinicals for me where the best but from what I hear, I was lucky with my location and clinical advisors. My clinical advisor was fair with grading and actually offered feedback so we could improve. Most of the nurses were very welcoming and were willing to teach us when our advisor wasnt around... or at least they were okay with us around and didn't abuse our presence...

Everyone is my cohort (you should probably know that you'll be with the same people until graduation but it may change for clinical) is amazingly nice. I recommend getting everyone's personal emails and working together to study and make study guides at the beginning. Help each other! Become friends with each other! Complain together! Lol. You're not alone.

Overall, my experience is mostly positive but I've had mostly realistic expectations so I didn't get disappointed or overwhelmed... but I do know students who've had horrible experiences too for a huge variety of reasons.

If you have any specific questions, I'll try to answer the best I can.

Hello! I am going through all the responses now.

I am working on everything needed to start this summer. I am hoping to have it done soon- really trying not to miss anything.

To the person that posted about pharmacology and pathophysiology, it is all correct! I have several friends in nursing programs (not at RESU) that say these are the most difficult classes. Reading up ahead of time is smart!

I forgot to mention that if you go to the school website and go to the library page, there's something called course guides. Our wonderful librarian put a few things together to help students study for certain classes. You should be able to check it out. It's open to the public but there will be a few things where you'll need a resu login but there are links to things where you don't need a login.

I would also brush up on APA format... there should be a tab on APA in one of the course guides.

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to give us a detail view of your experience at Resu. Anything else?

Do we buy our own ATI book? Classes on Friday for the day program? How late/early can clinicals be scheduled?

Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to give us a detail view of your experience at Resu. Anything else?

Do we buy our own ATI book? Classes on Friday for the day program? How late/early can clinicals be scheduled?

No. They'll give you an electronic version of the ATI books. You can also borrow a copy from the library but there's a limited supply. They should give you the access stuff in one of your classes. I believe we got ours during our TSS class, which is just an orientation like class.

From what I know, for your first semester Fridays are clinical days. After that it may change to other days or twice a week etc.

The earliest I've seen clinical "officially" scheduled was 7am but clinical advisors may ask you to come in at 6am. It's more difficult to say when you'll end. It depends on where you and, once again, who your advisor is.

Hmm... I guess the another thing is to keep organized and have some sort of calender or planner. Not all professors will remind you of due dates and stuff and documents in certifiedbackground may expire and you have to update it promptly. You may or may not get an email about it.

Oh! Once you get access to your resu email and accounts, check them! You'll get your clinical assignment and you have to submit documentation stuff before classes start. I nearly missed my deadline and I know people completely missed it. They were lenient but still... you don't want that anxiety.

If I think of more I'll let you know. I'm just glad I can give a little heads up to the next cohort so you're not completely in the dark :)

Thank you so much. You have no idea how grateful I am. :yes:

@Merrh, when are you going to orientation?

I have orientation on Thursday, March 24th. Anyone else?

What were your stats to get in?

Silvertree! Thank you very much for pointing out the resources on the library page. I can not wait to meet the librarian she seems absolutely phenomenal. Very detailed and I see how this will be extremely helpful in the near future. Thank you for all of the tips. Very much appreciated :) Hope to talk more with you.

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