Respiratory Assessment


Specializes in Emergency, Orthopaedics, plastics.

Thanks for reading...

I am currently writing a dissertation for a BSc and am looking for some supplimentary information.

What i need to know is what Nursing students and qualified nurses across the world are taught about respiratory assessment... Specifically

:redbeathe Have you been taught to auscultate the chest with a stethoscope?

:redbeathe Were you taught this as a student or once you qualified?

:redbeathe How often do you use this skill in your day-to day practise?

:redbeathe If you have not been taught this skill, would you find it helpful to be taught?

:redbeathe How important do you think it is to listen to someones breathing as part of your initial assessment?

Any and all information would be greathly appreciated!



Specializes in ED, ICU, lifetime Diabetes Education.

what school do you go to that you have to write a dissertation for a bsc? it is usually required of ms programs. see my answers below in red.

:redbeathe have you been taught to auscultate the chest with a stethoscope? yes

:redbeathe were you taught this as a student or once you qualified? as a student

:redbeathe how often do you use this skill in your day-to day practise? everyday several times a day with every patient.

:redbeathe if you have not been taught this skill, would you find it helpful to be taught? i don't understand how someone could become a rn without this skill. it is very important for doing a thorough assessment

:redbeathe how important do you think it is to listen to someones breathing as part of your initial assessment? it is extremely important! it would be negligent not to listen to a patient's breathing during the assessment

Specializes in Emergency, Orthopaedics, plastics.
what school do you go to that you have to write a dissertation for a bsc? it is usually required of ms programs.

ah... thats the uk/usa difference showing up.

in the us you probably had to do a thesis for your undergrad degree right? at universities in the uk, the term thesis is usually associated with phd/engd (doctoral) and research masters, whilst dissertation is the more common term for a substantial project submitted as part of a taught masters or an undergrad degree (e.g. ba, bsc, bmus, bed, beng etc).

i am a nursing student:

Have you been taught to auscultate the chest with a stethoscope? absolutely took a entire semester for assessment! not only auscultate, but palpate and inspect as well!

:redbeathe Were you taught this as a student or once you qualified? currently a student

:redbeathe How often do you use this skill in your day-to day practise? used during all clinical rotations

:redbeathe If you have not been taught this skill, would you find it helpful to be taught? defintely taught this skill in great detail...cant understand how it could NOT be taught

:redbeathe How important do you think it is to listen to someones breathing as part of your initial assessment? this has to be one of THE most important assessments!

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