Published Mar 22, 2019
Jedrnurse, BSN, RN
2,776 Posts
Hi, all. I've got a few years in schools now, got the NSNC and feel pretty comfortable with the elementary munchkins. But I now also cover an ECC and some of the kiddos are as young as 2 yrs old. I found the Clinical Guidelines book from School Health to be helpful with the older kids, but does anyone have any recommendations for something more specific to the young'uns? I never worked peds, so I've been working on the holes in my knowledge base...
1 Article; 4,787 Posts
I actually enjoy doing physical assessments on toddlers and those who haven't developed good verbal skills. They give you a true representation and generally don't report stuff to you that has been suggested by others. Once you know what normal vitals and signs for them are, you can usually recognize what abnormal is.
77 Posts
Are you in Massachusetts? I am, and my school will become EEC soon. I'm in the same place as you.
Yup. I'm in MA. I was just looking at Pediatric Assessment Handbooks on Amazon; that may be my next purchase.
0 Posts
We used this one in my PNP program: