Published May 26, 2011
26 Posts
Hi everyone! I apologize if this is a convoluted post, just looking for anyones experiences here...
Last fall, I began the application process for the Air Force NTP. I was then an associates-prepared RN, and the idea was to go to COT when I finished my BSN this May. Unfortunately, my recruiter sent me an email soon after that there was no budget for new RN's, and that if the spots opened up he would be in touch. Well, of course, then I was single, and now I'm not (don't get me wrong, not complaining) but now I'm not sure how I would like being away on COT and then deployment, and how it would work out with the relationship. So I'm considering Air Force or Army Reserve or Guard (Navy not an option- not a boat person!!) So here are my questions:
1. I hear AF NTP spots have opened up, is that true? Gotta admit, a little upset that he never told me this.
2. Whats everybody's experiences with active duty and significant others? The BF is not against moving around, and thinks I should follow my dreams, but I worry that might change if I'm deployed 6 months out of every 2 years.
3. Any recommendations as to Guard vs. Reserve, AF vs Army?
4. I'll be living in Houston soon, are their any Reserve/Guard vacancies that anyone has heard of?
5. Does anyone have recruiter contacts down there?
Ok, Sorry its so complicated, any help is appreciated!
just_cause, BSN, RN
1,471 Posts
I would first look up guard / reserve units in that area... see what types are around, what nursing specialties are around, then look for vacancies and go from there.... i always recommend army over AF :) and that is a personal bias
Oh, I've done the research on the websites... they are pretty chaotic though. Also have emailed a recruiter, just waiting to hear back from somebody... But I've found that recruiters will tell you anything and its nice to know what "real" military nurses think!
Cursed Irishman
471 Posts
If you don't like the idea of being deployed six months, why are you even considering the army?
Just because you're in the navy, doesn't mean you'll end up on a boat.
I didn't say I didn't want to be deployed. Military means they can deploy you. Navy increases the chances I'll end up on a boat, and thats not anything I'd be ok with. I know reserves deploy, but it is less of an overall time commitment. Also, looking for people's opinions and experiences, not for snippy comments.
SoldierNurse22, BSN, RN
4 Articles; 2,058 Posts
I don't think CursedIrishman is trying to be snippy. My guess is that he's seen some of the same things I have: Some people get into the military nowadays and have these big dreams of paying off loans/traveling/etc, but they enter into the service with their eyes on the perks and when it comes down to the wire, they end up screwing everyone around them because they don't want to deploy. The military, deployment or not, will change you. If you're not convinced to accept that change or willing to go 100%, definitely seek nursing experience elsewhere.
I didn't say I didn't want to be deployed. Military means they can deploy you. Navy increases the chances I'll end up on a boat, and thats not anything I'd be ok with. I know reserves deploy, but it is less of an overall time commitment. Also, looking for people's opinions and experiences, not for snippy comments.-D
You're looking for people's opinions and experiences: My opinion is that you shouldn't join, your perception of the time commitment and the roles of the different branches are severely skewed. This is from someone who has several campaign ribbons and most of the scare badges.
Ok, then straighten me out. I am trying to learn as much as possible so I don't become somebody trying to cop out of deploying. I became a nurse partly because of all the different ways you can be a nurse, and I want to serve. Military, va, and usphs are all possible if there are openings of course, and I'm posting here because I don't believe hype. All I know is, I'm trying to do something bigger with my life and not regret stupid decisions.
So, my idea of the time commitment is skewed? How so, do reserves spend more time that active duty? I was thinking that reserves/guard is better for me so I don't have to move, and officer training is shorter, plus the weekend a month/ two weeks a year means I can keep my job. I have had friends in the reserves, it didn't seem like more than that.
689 Posts
It sounds to me that you do not want to hear what 'real" Military Nurses think.
"Which branch requires the least amount of effort/commitment on my part & gives the best bennis?" This question has been beaten to death on here... Also it seems that you do believe "Hype," your posts are full of "Hype."
If you have emailed a recruiter and not heard a response why would you say "Recruiters will tell you anything"? That is a false statement and very old stereo-type.
Also, Guard/Reserve Deployments can actually be longer then than most active-duty deployments... 1 weekend/month 2weeks/year is all hype. Rephrase that to *As little as 1weekend/month 2weeks/year*
1-way to avoid stupid decsions is not worrying about what your BF will be doing while you are gone 6-months.
You might take a few minutes to research some of these older threads.. The information you seek is already here.
131 Posts
You're asking questions to a bunch of type A personalities, so expect "harsh" responses. I've been Active and then Reserves on the Enlisted side and Reserves and soon to be Active on the Officer side. My Officer and Enlisted Reservists have spent more time down range then most of the Active duty people I know. That's not to say Active soldiers don't spend a lot of time down range as well. You just never know. As a soldier in the medical field your time and training is much different then "regular" soldiers. I went to the short course for basic and let me tell you, I feel like I lost a lot from not going to the regular course. So short is not always better. Now more than ever you have to realize that we are training for actual war. The first time I went in was just prior to the Gulf War and let me tell you training was a joke. Ever since then it's taken a little more serious. So if you're wanting to just be half a soldier so that you can say you're a soldier, then look into working as a civilian in the VA. If you want to be a soldier, then be a soldier 100%. The rest of your life will have to fall in around being a soldier. The people that want to be part of your life need to realize you're a soldier first. Most of us on here have families and cope just fine. The military is a way of life, not a status. As far as recruiters are concerned, be your own advocate and educate yourself. There are awesome recruiters out there that aren't going to stear you wrong. Being an officer is much different than enlisting. Trust me, when I went in the first time I was sold the moon and back. But as a nurse it's pretty cut and dry. There's not much bs they can sell you. Yes, they can promise you assignments, but promise you that they'll try is really the only thing they can do. It's ultimately going to be up to the Army needs. Just think about the reasons you want to join the military.
19 Posts
The reserves used to function as a strategic force. They now function as an operational force. In other words, the reserves were only called up when necessary. Now especially on the medical side reservists are being continually activated to shore up active duty for current operations. With downsizing of active duty, the reserve side will continue to be used accordingly. Army reserve healthcare provides 75% of all the healthcare to active duty; It is a safe bet that deployment will happen, and RN's are deployed for a year unless you are a CRNA.