Published Jul 3, 2013
1 Post
I am a registered nurse from the Philippines. I am interested to work as a nurse in Hawaii (specifically in Maui) because maybe 2 years from I'll be marrying my girlfriend who is a resident of Maui, Hawaii and soon she'll also gonna bring me there. I just want to ask what requirements should I follow up for me to possibly work there in Hawaii as a nurse? Of course I need to pass Nclex, I just want to ask what might be other requirements. Thank you..
loriangel14, RN
6,933 Posts
Contact the Hawaii BON or visit their website and they will have information on their requirements.
Hi..I graduated last year 2012 here in the Philippines but i havent taken my local board exam yet..i just want to ask if do i need to pass my local board exam here in the Philippines or Il just take the NCLEX directly?
1,882 Posts
Google Hawaii board of nursing, look at their requirements for foreign students, done! It's all there and print it out, done!