So I have been studying for the reproduction test since beginning of January and wanted to take the test before February began.... (ugh!) I work 40 hrs a week and study til 12 t0 1 am only to get up at 5a and do it all over. So I am not on schedule, but I keep taking notes and wondering- is this test possible with SOOO much info?? As a mom of 2 you'd think you would know more, but who says "Hey here's the _____ sign!" while pregnant!
I have 2 notebooks of notes that I have written so far and am so few pages from being done with the third. I also have SG101 notes that I use as a guide and research on my own. I have L.Arends as well but do not use nearly. I am feeling so overwhelmed and this is one of four tests I have left. I am hoping for beginning of may to be done, but the way repro info/studying is going I have no clue.....
Guess I am just ranting really.... I know others have been here too. Thanks for "listening"! I appreciate all of you guys!!!