Published Jul 26, 2010
3 Posts
Okay. So i know this is really stupid but i just started college, I'm taking my pre req for the nursing program, and since i didn't take chemistry in high school i have to take it in college, but i have withdrawn from 3 chemistry courses already and i am afraid that i won't be able to make it into the nursing program. on top of that i have a few w's from my previous classes i toook last semester, but classes i took last year i have gotten A's. and i know i could get an A for chemistry, i just have so much distractions lately. what too do????????????????!
AND... is it so okay having W's for certain classes and trying to sign up for that class again another semester and pass it with an A?
Anne36, LPN
1,361 Posts
I never took Chem in high school either, and had to take it 2 years ago. Things will always come up, I guess you just need to make a decision to follow thru with it. Are you taking on a heavy load of classes? Do you have kids or work? Figure out what the problem was last time and how you would deal with it if it became a problem again.
92 Posts
W wont effect your grade, it just shows you dropped the class, not how you were doing, so I think it's ignored. Technically you could drop a class for a sickness, or a family emergency, etc. Personally, I love chem, I took 3 years in highschool, my brother never took it, and is also in the nursing program, obviously he had to take chem in college to get into the program. He did fine, he passed with a B, and only really came to me with desperate help twice. You'll do fine. I think your biggest obstacle is your mindset with the subject
71 Posts
Be careful of W's. Some schools will only let you withdraw from a class a certain number of times before they don't allow you to register for it again.
Yes, i am working. thats probably one of the reasons why i can't concentrate so much is because i work then when i come home i get really tired and i don't have time to study, so im always studying at the last minute. & i did have a lot of classes last semester and so i guess it was too much for me, so thats why i'm wondering if i should just have 3 classes per semester.
so it wouldn't hurt to take it a fourth time just as long as i pass it with an A?