Published Dec 12, 2014
61 Posts
Continuing education courses must have been completed during the preceding renewal period. Is this period with in the 3 months you have to send in your renewal ? Not really clear. Also, has anyone tried using or anything else for your 30 hours ?
10 Articles; 18,926 Posts
Plenty Free Nursing Continuing Education Programs - 100+ contact hours in this thread without having to pay for CEU.
CE time interval starts from date current license issued until last day it expires.
Meriwhen, ASN, BSN, MSN, RN
4 Articles; 7,907 Posts
The 30 hours have to have been completed since the last time you renewed your license 2 years ago.
A good habit to get into is to try to do at least one CE class every month. Between that, plus the CEs you can claim with renewing ACLS or other certs (BLS doesn't count, sorry), and the CEs that you can get from attending inservices at work, you should have no problem getting 30...or close to it.
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